1. Susan J. Lamon. Teaching fractions and ratios for understanding essential content knowledge and instructional strategies for teachers. (Mahwah: Erlbaum, 1999), 19
2. Howe, Roger. "Three Pillars of First Grade Mathematics and Beyond." Lecture, Yale National Teacher Initiative from Yale University, New Haven July 2014
3. Howe, Roger. "From Arithmetic to Algerbra." Lecture. Yale National Teacher Initiative from Yale University, New Haven, July 2014
4. Howe, Roger. "Number Line Basics." Lecture. Yale National Teacher Initiative from Yale University, New Haven, July 2014
5. Joseph Martinez and Nancy Martinez. Activities for Mathematical Thinking: Exploring, Inventing, and Discovering Mathematics. (Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 2006), 184
6. Singapore: Schaffer Publishing, 2009