History in Our Everyday Lives


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Content Objectives
  4. The Unit
  5. Strategies for the Class
  6. Activities for the Class
  7. Walking Tour
  8. Oral History Exercise
  9. Test? Certainly not mandatory however this is my process
  10. Summary of Unit
  11. Bibliography

Ripple Effect: How Major Events Effect Everyone

Raymond Ott

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:

Summary of Unit

Enduring Understandings Students will strive to make a connection with major aviation events and the community they live in.

Additionally, students will focus on a Common Core Standard:

  • Common Core Social Studies/Literacy Standard CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.9.

Your students should be able to:

  • understand how if the community they live in was shaped by aviation
  • visit a local museum to explore local history
  • define major aviation events of the last century
  • explain the impact of major historical events and the consequences to the community they live in

Questions for the students of POLYPTYCH

  • What are the major aviation incidents of the last century that have had an impact to the development of Kent County Delaware?
  • Do you personally have hereditary linkage to someone who was affected by a major aviation incident?
  • Do you reside in Delaware due to a military relocation?
  • How do large aviation events effect smaller movements in local communities?

Suggested Reading List



Aerospace: the Journey of Flight

Jeff Montgomery, ed.

Aviation History pp 7-50 to 7-55, 7-62 to 7-66, 8-56 to 8-58

Anne Millbrooke

Journey into Aviation History 

Linda Sackie, ed.

History of Dover Air Force Base

Kennard Wiggins

The Dream of the Dirigible The Atlantic Monthly, pp 1-30

Megan Garber


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