Problem Solving and the Common Core


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Mathematical Background
  5. Supporting Tools and Activities
  6. Fourteen types of Story Problems
  7. Problem Solving Strategy
  8. Activities
  9. Appendix
  10. Notes
  11. Bibliography for Teachers

Taking the Problems out of Story Problems

Corrina Christmas

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:


This is my tenth year teaching first grade in what is considered a low performing school in northeast Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is a high poverty, Title One school where 90% of the population qualifies for free breakfast and lunch. We have a diverse population of about 300 students, with forty percent African American, thirty-four percent Hispanic, eleven percent Caucasian, and ten percent multiracial. Some parents can't read and most of those who do read have minimal education or understanding of the higher level thinking that is required of 1st graders today. Over half of my students do not receive any help on homework or reading at home. Sometimes this is due to parents not understanding how to help them; sometimes it is because their parents work long hours, or students spend their night time with day care or babysitters. Most students come to 1st grade well below grade level in reading and math! Students do not have the foundational skills they need to be able to add and subtract, or even read the questions fluently. Some students come in not being able to count above 20, or recognize any of their written numerals. In addition, even when a story problem is read to them, students do not comprehend what the problem is asking them to do, or even where to begin. They do not know how to set up the equation, or understand how to figure out whether to add or subtract.


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