In this unit, the following strategies will be used to approach this unique topic. Students will make connections using semantic mapping. Semantic mapping is a cooperative learning technique that is group based. There are many reasons to use group based learning. During my informal text reading session, the students will benefit from a specific cooperative learning group. This cooperative learning approach is called ‘group processing. There will be no lectures about the anatomy and physiology of the pancreas. Instead each group will be responsible to read a certain section about the pancreas and be able to share with other groups. The third strategy is science based but will be meaningful to students. A special science lab out of the classroom will be part of our introductory strategies. A science walk that includes an observation of products in our local grocery store might help students make a drastic change in daily diet. After the science observation of the grocery store, there will be a good amount of reading material that will be divided up among groups. Most of these readings will be about food that contains good and bad carbohydrates. In addition to our science observation on types of food in the grocery store, products from the store will be on display for reference. To keep the theme aligned; reading from our Special Diabetes Program for Indians curriculum will be used. This curriculum was donated by the local Indian Health Services. This unique curriculum is specifically for elementary schools and is called “Balance Life” (a diabetes awareness curriculum). In this resource, students will be able to find additional information about the diabetes that can help them conclude their findings for a report. Report will not be the only thing made by the students. Students will have the option to create a poster or pamphlet to present at a school board meeting or wellness event.
In conjunction with the science information, the teacher will present the history of Navajo diet and lifestyle. Examining the past can help students compare and debate the type of diet and lifestyle our ancestors had. By comparing and contrasting the concept, students will develop their own findings. The findings will help them discuss, debate, create their conclusions on their action towards Type 2 diabetes. A semantic mapping will imprint student’s mind of what percentage of the Navajo people have diabetes. Not only will the students read informational text but some short stories that relate to our Native culture. Possible literature to read and cover is available through Kayenta Public Health Service. This resource can be found on web site under Indian Health Service, Special Diabetes Programs for Indians.