Content Objectives
For this unit, I want to focus on how the changes being wrought by climate change, increase the risk of malaria, and what their role is in bringing about a change in behavior in themselves, their families and communities. They will need to explain behaviors that minimize future risk and combat climate change.
California is implementing the Next Generation Science Standards. One of the many new features of these standards is Crosscutting Concepts, used to bridge scientific and engineering fields, and bringing relevance to the topics being taught. There are seven:
1. Patterns. 2. Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation. 3. Scale, proportion, and quantity. 4. Systems and system models. 5. Energy and matter: 6. Structure and function. 7. Stability and change.
This unit touches on each of these concepts repeatedly and will engage students in real-world activities to better understand the ecology of the Anopheles mosquito, the vectors of transmission, the physiological aspects of malaria and prevention of malaria.