Contemporary American Indian History


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Teaching Situation and Rationale
  2. Objectives
  3. The Unit
  4. American Indian History Over Time: The Animating Concerns of Three Texts
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Appendix
  8. Resources
  9. Notes

Rewriting the Narrative of American History: American Indian Identity and the Process of Recovery

Jo Ann Flory

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:



This unit is aligned with the Oklahoma Department of Education’s Oklahoma Academic Standards for 11th Grade English Language Arts, which my district follows.  This unit meets the following OAS standards: Writing - 11.2.W.1(writing narratives embedded in other modes, through writing a Where I’m From poem); Critical Reading – 11.3.R.6 (comparatively analyze texts, through connecting the three texts and providing evidence for interpretations and thematic connections) and 11.3.R.1 (analyze the extent to which historical perspectives affect the authors’ stylistic and organizational choices in the three texts; Multimodal Literacies – 11.7.W.2 (constructing visual or multimedia presentations to enhance understanding, through designing a presentation for the Tulsa history project) and 11.7.R.1 (analyze techniques used to construct arguments, through analyzing the arguments presented in non-print texts from different time periods); Research – 11.6.R.2 (synthesize information from primary and secondary sources, through conducting research for the Tulsa history research project) and 11.6.W.2 (integrate finding from sources, through creating a central thesis statement for their Tulsa history project, based on their research findings; Speaking and Listening – 11.1.R.3 (engage in collaborative discussion about appropriate topics by discussing the three texts in pair, group and whole class situations) and 11.1.W.1 (give formal and informal presentations , using textual and visual evidence, through presenting their Tulsa history research project) and 11.1.W.2 (work effectively within diverse groups, share responsibility and value individual contributions, though working in pairs and groups of four to discuss, problem solve and complete various assignments; Vocabulary – 11.4.R.5 (use dictionaries, thesauruses and other references as needed to determine the meaning of unknown vocabulary); Language – 11.5.W.3 (demonstrate command of standard grammar, mechanics and usage through writing and presentations).


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