Why Literature Matters


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Teaching Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to English Learners
  4. Classroom Activities
  5. Bibliography
  6. Appendix
  7. Endnotes

Using Art-Based Research to Explore Metaphors in Romeo and Juliet with English Language Learners

Sara Stillman

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:


Baxter, Kristin. "Research Review: Implications of Metaphorical Thinking for Teaching

Artists." Teaching Artist Journal 7, no. 3 (January 1, 2009): 182-91. Accessed July

30, 2016. EBSCOhost. Keyword: Teaching Metaphor Visual Arts. Clear analysis of

Serig’s work on metaphorical thinking and how to apply his concepts in teaching.

Collier, Virginia P. "Acquiring a Second Language for School." Directions in Language

and Education 1, no. 4 (Fall 1995): 1-14. Accessed August 2, 2016. ERIC. Identifies

critical aspects of academic English necessary for learning and where students may

have gaps in their understanding.

Dong, Yu Ren. "Don't Keep Them in the Dark! Teaching Metaphors to English Language

Learners." The English Journal 93, no. 4 (March 2004): 29-35. Accessed July 13,

2016. Helpful to understand how metaphors are used differently and how to provide

accessibility for English Language Learners.

Early, Margaret, and Sondra Marshall. "Adolescent ESL Students’ Interpretation and

Appreciation of Literary Texts: A Case Study of Multimodality." Canadian Modern

Language Review 64, no. 3 (March 2008): 377-97. Accessed July 13, 2016.

An engaging way of looking at mapping student thinking and circular graphic


Hammond, Jennifer. "High Challenge, High Support: Integrating Language and Content

Instruction for Diverse Learners in an English Literature Classroom." Journal of

English for Academic Purposes 5, no. 4 (2006): 269-83. Accessed July 13, 2016.

Helpful analysis of activities and student learning.

Hetland, Lois. Studio thinking: the real benefits of visual arts education. New York:

Teachers College Press, 2007.

Marshall, Julia, and Kimberley D'Adamo. "Art Practice as Research in the Classroom: A

New Paradigm in Art Education." Art Education (Reston) 64, no. 5 (September 1,

2011):12-18. Accessed July 28, 2016. EBSCOHost. Illustrative

case study and breakdown of model.

McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art:. New York: HarperPerennial,

1993. Clear explanations of how visual images impact storytelling.

Moss, Barbara, Diane Lapp, and Mary O'Shea. "Tiered Texts: Supporting Knowledge and

Language Learning for English Language Learners and Struggling Readers." The

English Journal 100, no. 5 (May 2011): 54-60. Accessed July 13, 2016. JSTOR. An

informative look at tiered texts for supporting English Language Learners.

Oakland International High School. Accessed August 02, 2016.

http://www.oaklandinternational.org/. Descriptions of school programs and student

demographics to help acquaint community members with the school.

Porter, Christina. "Words, Words, Words: Reading Shakespeare with English Language

Learners." The English Journal 99, no. 1 (September 2009): 44-49. Accessed July 13,

2016. JSTOR. Great resource for classroom strategies and implementation.

Serig, Daniel. "A Conceptual Structure of Visual Metaphor." Studies in Art Education 47,

no. 3 (January 1, 2006): 229-47. Accessed July 28, 2016. Academic Search Premier.

An interesting article about cognitive thinking and art making.

"Understanding the Conceptual Landscape of Visual Metaphors." Teaching

Artist Journal 6, no. 1 (2008): 41-50. Accessed July 28, 2016. Insightful look at how

cognitive research on metaphorical thinking can apply to teaching in art classes.

Straughan, June. ""Romeo and Juliet" and the ESL Classroom." The English Journal 85,

no. 8 (December 1996): 52-54. Accessed July 13, 2016. Creative and engaging

classroom strategies to support English Language Learners study Shakespeare.

Dire Straits. The Music of Dire Straits. Elap Music, 1995, MP3.

Tosey, Paul, Wendy Sullivan, and Margaret Meyer. "Clean Sources: Six Metaphors a

Minute?" University of Surrey (ISBN: 978-1-84469-029-9), 2013.


metaphors-a-minute-final.pdf. Clarifies earlier research on frequency of metaphor

use in daily speaking.

"Visual Thinking Strategies." Visual Thinking Strategies. Accessed August 02, 2016.

http://www.vtshome.org/. Descriptions of a framework and K-8 curriculum

to look at artwork with students.

Wiegle, Matt, and William Shakespeare. Romeo & Juliet. New York: Sparknotes,

2008. Beautifully illustrated comic book-style adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo

and Juliet for young adults.

William Shakespeare's Romeo Juliet. Directed by Baz Luhrmann. By Baz Luhrmann,

et al.Performed by Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, Jesse Bradford, Vondie Curtis

Hall, Brian Dennehy, John Leguizamo, Miriam Margolyes, Harold Perrineau,

Christina Pickles, Pete Postlethwaite, Paul Rudd, Paul Sorvino, Diane Venora, and M.

Emmet Walsh.

Zelinski, Jessica. Interview, Yale University Linsly Chittenden Hall, New Haven, July 20, 2016


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