"Over the Rainbow": Fantasy Lands, Dream Worlds, and Magic Kingdoms


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and rationale
  2. Classroom context
  3. Content objectives 
  4. The imagination crisis
  5. Solutions
  6. The unit
  7. Conclusion
  8. Strategies
  9. Activities
  10. Academic standards
  11. Bibliography
  12. Endnotes 

Magical Multi-Culti Yellow Brick Road Realism: Using Imagination to Find Reality

Krista Baxter Waldron

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:

Academic standards

Oklahoma has new English/language arts standards.  They are easy to cross-reference with other academic standards.  As written, they vary little if at all among 9-12 grade levels, so I have included only 10th grade.

10.2.R.1 Students will summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize ideas, while maintaining meaning and a logical sequence of events, within and between texts.

10.2.R.2 Students will analyze details in literary and nonfiction/informational texts to connect how genre supports the author’s purpose.

10.2.W.1 Students will apply components of a recursive writing process for multiple purposes to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing.

10.3.R.1 Students will evaluate the extent to which historical, cultural, and/or global perspectives affect authors’ stylistic and organizational choices in grade-level literary and informational genres.

 10.3.R.3 Students will analyze how authors use key literary elements to contribute to meaning and interpret how themes are connected across texts:

  • character development
  • theme
  • conflict (i.e., internal and external)
  • archetypes

10.3.R.7 Students will make connections (e.g., thematic links, literary analysis) between and across multiple texts and provide textual evidence to support their inferences.

NARRATIVE 10.3.W.1 Students will write narratives embedded in other modes as appropriate.

10.4.W.2 Students will select appropriate language to create a specific effect according to purpose in writing.

10.7.R.1 Students will analyze techniques used to achieve the intended rhetorical purposes in written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts to generate and answer interpretive and applied questions to create new understandings.

10.7.R.2 Students will analyze the impact of selected media and formats on meaning.

10.7.W.2 Students will create visual and/or multimedia presentations using a variety of media forms to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence for diverse audiences.


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