"Over the Rainbow": Fantasy Lands, Dream Worlds, and Magic Kingdoms


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Unit Overview
  2. Content Objectives
  3. Rationale
  4. Tracking the Journey into a Fantasyland
  5. Implementing District Standards
  6. Sequence of Classroom Activities
  7. Teacher Web Resources
  8. Bibliography
  9. Notes

Easing on Down the Road: Reading Critically, Writing Fantastically

Brandon Barr

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:


  1. "Ease On Down The Road Lyrics,” Youtube
  2. "Twain," Chicago Public Schools
  3. Keith Quesenberry and Michael Coolsen. “What Makes A Super Bowl Ad Super? Five-Act Dramatic Form Affects Consumer Super Bowl Advertising Ratings,” 437-454.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Teresa Dobson (et al), “Interactive Visualizations of Plot in Fiction,” 169-180.
  7. “Paracosms, Loyalty and Reality in the Pursuit of Creative Problem Solving,” Newstex
  8. Claire L. Evans, “Can Science Fiction Help Us Dream Our Way out of Disaster?”
  9. Bertold Brecht qtd. in Deborah Appleman, “What We Teach and Why…”
  10. Common Core State Standards, 2014
  11. Raman Selden, et al., A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory.
  12. Todd Gilman, “Aunt Em: Hate You! Hate Kansas! Taking the Dog. Dorothy”: Conscious and Unconscious Desire in The Wizard of Oz”
  13. Salman Rushdie, The Wizard of Oz
  14. Ibid.
  15. Paula Kent, “A Feminist Stroll Down the Yellow Brick Road.”
  16. Michael G. Simental "The Gospel According to Ayn Rand: Anthem as an Atheistic Theodicy."
  17. Shoshana Milgram Knapp, “Ayn Rand's Anthem: Self-Naming, Individualism, and Anonymity.”
  18. Read Write Think, "Dystopias: Definitions and Characteristics."
  19. Ibid.
  20. Ibid.
  21. Ibid.
  22. Michael Simental, “The Gospel According to Ayn Rand: Anthem as an Atheistic Theodicy”
  23. Read Write Think," Dystopias: Definitions and Characteristics."
  24. Michael Simental, “The Gospel According to Ayn Rand: Anthem as an Atheistic Theodicy.”
  25. Read Write Think," Dystopias: Definitions and Characteristics."
  26. Ibid.
  27. Margaret Atwood, In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination, 188.
  28. Robert Adams (editor), Utopia, 206.
  29. Jamey Heit, The Politics of the Hunger Games, 70-85.
  30. Ibid.
  31. Ayn Rand, Anthem, various pages
  32. Jamey Heit, The Politics of the Hunger Games, 70-85.
  33. Margaret Atwood, In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination, 188.
  34. Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, “Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units.”
  35. Laurie Lamson, Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: Speculative Genre Exercises from Today’s Best Writers and Teachers
  36. Common Core State Standards, 2014.


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