At the beginning of the year students will be provided with background information on the origin of greenhouse gases - especially carbon dioxide and methane, and how their usage relates to the evolution of the crisis we face today. It wasn’t until after the Industrial Revolution that their use began to build up in the atmosphere faster than they could be safely dispersed without causing detrimental effects to Earth’s inhabitants.
Demonstrations will be provided to strengthen an understanding of the importance of tracking carbon dioxide emissions. Worksheets will be used along with videos as a preliminary check on their background knowledge of greenhouse gases. As the first few weeks progress they will develop ways in which to brainstorm reducing their personal outputs of carbon dioxide in the following categories: water usage, using electricity, food consumption, driving as opposed to walking, and travel. They will color pre- made footprints using the specific color that pertains to the behavior being tracked giving them a visual representation.
As the months progress behaviors should change. They will develop habits of saving water, “green” electricity usage, practice reducing, recycling, and reusing methodology generate a tracking system for monthly carbon consumption identifying the way in which energy - gas, electricity, water, and travel, is used and abused in their own, and gradually their family’s lives. Graphs, charts and posters will be generated displaying their findings class wide (also on a monthly basis), to provide visuals, and encourage everyone’s participation in becoming socially responsible to their environment. This is a great way to display how one person can make a difference in helping to heal our planet.
This is a beginning year for the Carbon Footprint project so the unit will be discussed somewhat on an ongoing basis throughout the school year, and will culminate with an Earthday Fair on Earth Day. The curricular unit will last approximately 5 – 6 weeks as the issues of carbon dioxide’s adverse effects on our world and wellbeing is brought forth and taught.
Throughout the year the students will construct the booths, produce environmental checklists, and introduce personal ways for all students to reduce environmental waste, and be able to track their own “footprints”, and be made available to all K-8 students and their families at the Fair.
The students will also choose 2 students from each grade level to join their “green team” to learn and help with the Fair. The younger students will be coached by the older team members throughout the year and be asked to participate along side their respective team at the Fair. As subsequent years progress students will have an opportunity to evolve the Carbon Footprint project and Earthday Fair into challenging other classrooms, schools and communities to join in their cause.
The carbon footprint is a formidable instrument to understand the impact of one’s contributions to global warming. It is a powerful means to display amounts of carbon dioxide generated by activities, and the need to reduce the amount personally.