Identity of Persons with Disabilities: Looking at People and Characters in Novels and Media
Toni F. Aliskowitz
Published September 2017
- Snyder, Bruggemann, and Garland-Thomson, Disability Studies,23
- Lindemann Nelson, Preface
- Lindemann Nelson, Preface
- Garland-Thomson, Emory Report, July 6, 2004
- Devlieger, Rush, and Pfeiffer, Introduction,10
- Devlieger et. al, via Venta Kabzems, “Political and Social Realities in the Schooling of
Disabled Students,”46.
- Mark Saltzman, lecture on the impact of Bioengineering on Global Health, Yale University 2017
- Garland-Thomson; What is Staring, 13
- Haddon, Mark, Self-published blog, 2009
- National Center for the Universal Design for Learning website
- Peha, Steve, website