Poems about Works of Art, Featuring Women and Other Marginalized Writers


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Content Objectives
  4. Why Poetry?
  5. The Power of Ekphrastic Poems
  6. Why the emphasis on Murals?
  7. Diego Rivera: “I paint what I see”
  8. The Mural Making Process
  9. Teaching Strategy
  10. Classroom Activities
  11. Resources
  12. Appendix

Creatively Communicating through Visual and Verbal Art- Poetry and Murals

Stephany Jimenez

Published September 2018

Tools for this Unit:


Annotated Bibliography for Teachers

Art & Poetry

Bruegel, Pieter. Landscape with the Fall of Icarus.

Williams, William Carlos. “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" (20th-century)

Fanthorpe, U.A. “Not My Best Side.”

Rivera, Diego. Man at the Crossroads. (1933)

Uccello, Paolo. Saint George and the Dragon. (1470).

White, E. B. “I Paint What I See.” (1933)


Barnett, Alan W. (1984). Community Murals: The People’s Art. Philadelphia: Art Alliance Press.

Hugo, R. (2010). The Triggering Town: Lectures and essays on poetry and writing. New York: W.W. Norton.

Lansana, Q. A. (2005). They Shall Run: Harriet Tubman Poems. Illinois: Third World Press.

Popoff, G. A., & Lansana, Q. A. (2010). Our difficult sunlight: A guide to poetry, literacy, & social justice in classroom & community. New York: Teachers & Writers Collaborative.

Rivera, Diego. (1998) Diego Rivera: A Retrospective. New York: Founders Society, Detroit Institute of Arts, in Association with W.W. Norton.


Christenson, M. "12 Key Steps to Leading Amazing Mural Projects." The Art of Ed. 2016. Accessed May 2018. https://www.theartofed.com/2016/06/21/12-key-steps-leading-amazing-mural-projects/

"Gallery of Pilsen Murals." WTTW Chicago Public Media - Television and Interactive. 2017. Accessed August 2018. https://interactive.wttw.com/myneighborhood/pilsen/murals

"The Poet Speaks of Art." Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Professor. Accessed August 2018. http://english.emory.edu/classes/paintings&poems/titlepage.html

Additional Online Resources

Eichler, Karen. “Creative Communication Frames: Discovering Similarities between Writing and Art.” MarcoPolo Education Foundation; National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL; International Reading Association, Newark, DE. (2003). Pg 1-9.

Moorman, Honor. "Backing into Ekphrasis: Reading and Writing Poetry about Visual Art." English Journal 96, no. 1 (2006): 46. doi:10.2307/30046662.

Smith, Ashley. “Poems Inspired by Works of Art.” The Poetry Society. (2014). http://poetryclass.poetrysociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Foyle-Lesson-Plan-Poems-inspired-by-Art-Ashley-Smith-1.pdf



"Gallery of Pilsen Murals." WTTW Chicago Public Media - Television and Interactive. 2017. Accessed August 2018. https://interactive.wttw.com/myneighborhood/pilsen/murals

"The Poet Speaks of Art." Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Professor. Accessed August 2018. http://english.emory.edu/classes/paintings&poems/titlepage.html

Additional Materials

  • Copies of ekphrastic poems and artworks
  • Sketchbooks/Process Journals
  • Pencils & Erasers
  • Projector (presentations)
  • Chromebooks (research & investigation)
  • Tape
  • Mural Primer & Paint
  • Paint Brushes & Rollers
  • Paint Trays & Palettes
  • Newspaper & Plastic Drop Cloth
  • Aprons
  • Towels
  • Cups/buckets of water
  • Stool & Stepladder


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