Annotated Bibliography
22, 2017 February. "Florida Panther Population Estimate Updated." Greater Sage-Grouse | Species Information, accessed July 16, 2018,
This site provided factual information for my research.
"Ambrose Monell Cryo Collection (AMCC)." Brontotheriidae | Perissodactyl, accessed July 16, 2018,
This site provided a few specific details to support my research.
Angier, Natalie. "Do Gorillas Even Belong in Zoos? Harambe's Death Spurs Debate," The New York Times, June 06, 2016, accessed July 17, 2018,
Another site for a specific fact.
Barnosky, Anthony D., Nicholas Matzke, Susumu Tomiya, Guinevere O. U. Wogan, Brian Swartz, Tiago B. Quental, Charles Marshall, Jenny L. Mcguire, Emily L. Lindsey, Kaitlin C. Maguire, Ben Mersey, and Elizabeth A. Ferrer. "Has the Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction Already Arrived?" Nature 471, no. 7336 (March 2, 2011): 51-57. Accessed May 27, 2018. doi:10.1038/nature09678.
This article was difficult for a general audience, but had some great quotes.
Transcript of "The Dawn of De-extinction. Are You Ready?" TED: Ideas worth Spreading, last modified Accessed July 14, 2018.
This Ted talk was excellent and the transcript saved me from having to listen for the exact quote.
Carson, Rachel. Legacy and Challenge. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008.
I only used the quote out of this source.
Church, George. "George Church: De-Extinction Is a Good Idea." Scientific American. September 01, 2013. Accessed July 15, 2018. Fascinating information about resurrecting the woolly mammoth.
"Climatologist Ken Caldeira How to Mend a Broken Climate,” Discover Magazine, last modified April 1, 2003,
A useful article to back up some research.
Crutzen, P. J. (2002). Geology of mankind. Nature, 415(6867), 23. doi:
This site provided hard data about the threats to the environment.
Doudna, Jennifer A., and Samuel H. Sternberg. A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.
A fascinating read explaining the journey to figure out CRISPR. It is written as a memoir, but at times the science was quite technical for a general audience.
"Florida Panther." Greater Sage-Grouse | Species Information. Accessed July 17, 2018.
This site provided a few facts backing up my research.
“Hundreds of genes for height,” Nature, (London) 514, no. 7521 (October 01, 2014), (accessed July 22, 2018).
This site provided a few facts to support my research.
"How This Whale Got Nearly 20 Pounds of Plastic in Its Stomach," National Geographic, last modified June 04, 2018,
This article is an interesting and sad story.
Kolbert, Elizabeth. The Sixth Extinction an Unnatural History. London: Bloomsbury, 2015.
An interesting book that explains why we are in the midst of the sixth extinction.
"Many Paleontologists Today Are Part of the 'Jurassic Park' Generation," NPR, last modified July 10, 2018,
An interesting article about the increased interest /success in paleontology.
Monosson, Emily. Unnatural Selection: How We Are Changing Life, Gene by Gene. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2015.
This book provided an informative overview of many topics related to manipulating biology. It was not too technical for a general audience.
National Geographic Society. "Keystone Species." National Geographic Society. October 09, 2012. Accessed July 16, 2018.
An informative article about the role of keystone species in an ecosystem.
O’Connor, M. R. Resurrection Science: Conservation, De-extinction and the Precarious Future of Wild Things. Sydney: Read How You Want, 2016.
A fascinating read with concrete examples of endangered and extinct species. She explores conservation, de-extinction in her riveting book.
"Overexploitation | National Wildlife Federation." The National Wildlife Federation, accessed
July 17, 2018, Wildlife/Overexploitation.
This site provided a few supporting facts for my research.
"Why Are Enormous, Alligator-Eating Pythons Invading Florida?" The Atlantic, last modified May 15, 2012,
A useful source to support the research.
"Scientific Background," Pleistocene Park: Restoration of the Mammoth Steppe Ecosystem, accessed July 23, 2018,
This website is insightful to the work to restore the mammoth steppe ecosystem and the possible benefits it will have to counter climate change.
"The Loneliest Animals," PBS, last modified October 27, 2014,
Useful for a few specific facts.
Tudge, Colin. The Impact of the Gene: From Mendels Peas to Designer Babies. New York: Hill and Wang, 2002.
The book seemed interesting and provided some supporting quotations.
United States Congress Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife. “Threats to native wildlife species: joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife and the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, July 8, 2009.”
This document is long, but filled with potential case-studies as well as insight into the effort Congress is taking to protect the environment.
"Why Are Mountain Gorillas Endangered?" Africa Geographic, last modified July 04, 2017,
A helpful site for creating the case study.
Vitousek, P. M. "Human Domination of Earths Ecosystems." Science 277, no. 5325 (1997): 494-99. Accessed May 27, 2018. doi:10.1126/science.277.5325.494.
This article was quite technical but contained valuable information to explain how human domination is harming the environment.
“Wood-Boring Beetles (Asian and Citrus Long-horned Beetle),” Invasive Species Home Page. accessed July 23, 2018,
An informative website to provide case study of the successful eradication of an invasive species.
"Woolly Mammoth Revival." Revive & Restore, last modified April 18, 2018,
An informative site about the resurrection of the woolly mammoth.
Zimmer, Carl. She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity. New York, NY: Dutton, 2018.
The three chapters we read in seminar we interesting. They dovetailed well with some of the other resources, filling in some details, and offering another perspective.
"Zookeeper Finally Explains What Harambe Was Actually Doing With The Kid." Bored Panda. Accessed July 15, 2018.
An interesting blog offering perspective into Harambe's death.