Reading List About Teaching Writing
Everson, Barbara. “Vygotsky and the Teaching of Writing.” National Writing Project. University of California: Berkeley, California. The Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 3. 1991. 1 July, 2019. <>. Everson believes Vygotsky’s research on cognition development supports writing instructions that encourage students to have inner dialogues, social interaction and articulation along with the act of writing.
Lowry, Paul Benjamin, Aaron Curtis and Michelle Rene Lowry. Building a Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Collaborative Writing to Improve Interdisciplinary Research and Practice, SAGE Publications, 2004. This article discusses the increasing need to build a taxonomy and nomenclature for collaborative writing pointing out issues relating to activities, strategies, control modes, work modes and roles.
Reeves, Judy. Writing Alone, Writing Together: A Guide for Writers and Writing Groups. New World Library, 2010. This book gives practical information about how to start a writing group and distinguish the different purposes: workshop, practice, and critique groups.
Speck W. Bruce. Collaborative Writing: An Annotated Bibliography. Informational Age Publishing, Incorporated, 2008. This bibliography is divided CW (1970 -1997) into two categories: academic and nonacademic settings. Included 1,000 entries of books and articles covering topics: classroom issues, peer review, technology, ethical and gender concerns as well as corporate acculturation, group dynamics, procedures and policies.
Speedy, Jane. Collaborative Writing as Inquiry. University of Bristol, Cambridge Publishing, April 1, 2014. Discuss “collaborative writing as inquiry” as an emergent, vibrant, and under-researched approach that falls between democratic and creative writings.
Yim, Soobin, Mark Warschauer, Binbin Zheng and Joshua Fahey. Cloud-Based Collaborative Writing and the Common Core Standards. 2014. This article dissects how K-12 classrooms can use cloud-based writing to meet the Common Core as well as provide students a collaborative space to write and access documents from multiple locations.