Reading for Writing: Modeling the Modern Essay


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Content Objectives
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Activities
  6. Bibliography
  7. Student Resources
  8. Appendix:  Implementing District Standards
  9. Notes

Becoming Butterflies: A Transformative Writing Unit

Lauren Hughes Freeman

Published September 2019

Tools for this Unit:

Content Objectives

Reading/Writing as One

Writing is an act of expressive communication achieved through the medium of print.  It is but one of the four modes of linguistic communication.  The other expressive mode is speaking, while listening and reading comprise the two receptive modes.1

When implementing this curriculum unit, it is critical to consider a rich and open environment that encompasses writing and all that entails.  Classroom surroundings should be brimming with a myriad of writing samples.  These should include student and teacher writing as well as references, examples of style, processes and strategies.  If possible, local writers’ works in varying formats would be appropriate to include as well.  Most of all, however, this unit will promote the pairing of Reading with Writing in a format that is quite tandem.  They should be referenced together on a regular basis in order to bolster the fact that they are interconnected.  The interconnection of these two subjects is overlooked oft times, but when further examined, they can provide an in-depth realization of the five reading components paired with direct correlations to the chosen writing focus genre.  The unit relies on a firm foundational knowledge of these core aspects of Reading in order for it to be joined succinctly with Writing.  In addition to having good ideas, you need to be able to show that you can communicate them precisely and economically.2

There are five components of Reading that will be discussed regularly. They include:

  1. Phonemic Awareness
  2. Phonics
  3. Fluency
  4. Vocabulary
  5. Comprehension

The first two components encompass the closest relationship to writing in that they literally include the smallest pieces of our language, which are sounds and letters.  These elemental tidbits lead to combined sounds and letters, which in turn, connect to words.  Sentences follow, with paragraphs and stories not far behind. Therefore, it is pertinent that a thorough knowledge base of the Reading and Writing standards play a major role in the planning, implementation and assessment portions of lessons.


The Pennsylvania Common Core State Standards regarding Reading and Writing are found to contain similar requirements of students.  In addition, they encompass the Reading components mentioned earlier.  As you will come to see, the standards being used further explain the necessity of teaching Reading and Writing in a closer format.  The standards to be used throughout this particular unit pertain to Reading and Writing which are identified as CC.1.1 and CC.1.4.  These two foundational skills standards state that students gain a working knowledge of the concepts of print, alphabetic principle and other basic conventions (Reading Foundational Standard).  Furthermore, and even more importantly the Reading Literature standard show interconnectivity between subjects in that it requires that students read and respond (verbally and written) to works of literature, with emphasis on comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence.  For the Writing standard, students write for different purposes and audiences.  Students write clear and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content.3

Essay-The goal of students in moving through this unit has been previously stated as a transformative journey filled with collaborative discovery and question.  The essay is a form of writing in which the students will not only generate insight and experience, reflecting upon themselves, but also consider and reach out to their audience.  For the first time, the third graders will be considering much more than simply one person.  They will need to address an audience as well; they will need to connect with purpose.  An audience consists of those to whom the essay is directed— the people who read the article, listen to the speech, or view the text. The question about audience might be posed in related ways: For whom did the author write? What readers does the author hope to reach? What readers did he or she actually reach?4  In addition to audience, there are many other aspects of the essay to consider.  Each lesson should carve out a meaningful set of rules, routines and best practice for the genre.  A critical element in improving students’ writing performance is the identification of effective instructional procedures for young, beginning writers.  Providing effective writing instruction to these students should maximize the writing development of children in general and minimize the number of children who experience difficulties learning to write.5  The concept of essay writing is one that will act as a tool to pull the content out of the children and promote utilization of the skills and strategies taught.  Essay writing can come in many formats, with slight variances that make them useful in pinpointing a specific achievement in writing.  Good writing can appear anywhere.6  When students accept the fact that they can produce good writing, they are more apt to becoming confident in what they are generating.  It is the hope of teachers everywhere that this new-found confidence will stay with the children as they will certainly need it in the continuation of their schooling.  Current trends in higher education place an ever-increasing emphasis on the written assignment as a means of assessment, and many students find it difficult to cope.7

Personal Experience-This type of essay will expose the young writers to their most fond thoughts as they reach inside to recount experiences of late as well as in the past.  The probability that there will be some experiences that may not bring about happy thoughts is high, however, no student will be expected to share any piece they don’t feel comfortable with.  For many students, ‘essay’ and ‘nightmare’ are virtual synonyms.8 But, more often than not, children have an “ah-ha” moment with this type of essay.  They realize that if they fret writing and opening up about a specific experience, they can regain power over their emotions and even begin a healing process.  The “takeaway” will be the equivalent of the public point that we included during the seminar on Reading for Writing: Modeling the Modern Essay!  The students will be asked to ponder this aspect and share out on their thoughts and wondering around the takeaway.

Profile-The profile essay gives students an opportunity to connect with someone outside of themselves.  This can be a freeing experience in their writing journey as they delight in sharing thoughts and memories on a person they are extremely familiar with.  The children take pride in bearing their idea of this person and will add this to their growing portfolio of essays.  Sharing this profile with the person they are writing it about will be the highpoint of this type of essay. 

Memoir- Memoir is just a bit different from personal experience and profile in that it requires the writer to reflect upon a specific memory that is spoken about from the present.  Getting to know the subtle differences between the varying types of essay is key.  As you read an essay, think about its form:  What it includes, how the writer presents the subject, what features seem distinctive.  If you read a pair or group of essays assigned by your teacher, you might ask yourself whether they represent the same genre or are noticeably different.9  The memoir will be a series of essays that focus on having the student take a look back from the standpoint of today. 


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