The unit is comprised into 3 weeks with 3 days of writing activities a week. The first week is to introduce the writing process: teacher will talk about happens during prewriting, writing, and rewriting stages. It is also good to talk about the rationale of these stages. The second week is the introductory of vocabulary development and how to introduce and discuss words and phrases from a text selection. This is also a time to teach students about how to analyze words and sentences as they write. This stage would be considered as a prewriting stage by writing thoughts down pertaining to words learned. The third week is to use all three writing process to enhance on students vocabulary development as well as writing with expression and voice. Student will replica their writing using the words learned from the excerpt.
Week 1
Teacher will introduce the writing process that the students will be expected to use as a process in developing their personal narrative. Do not expect a well develop personal narrative until at the end of the unit. These writing activities will be for practice. This is a beginning process to help students develop clarity, use of expression and build vocabulary skills so students learn to write better. Each of the process is explained by teacher modeling on a chart.
Prewriting stage is a form of ideas written out freely without so much though into the organization, convention, or other traits. All these elements will come into their writing process in different stages of writing. Teacher will modeled by using a graphic organizer about an event such as weekend trip to the lake. First, teacher begins with a graphic organizer such as webbing, ABC list or just a list to help jot ideas about a trip to the local lake. Through the ABC list, words can be develop alphabetically relevant to the trip. This gives the writer and idea of how much word he or she knows.
The next stage is the writing stage, as teacher is modeling writing, the audience is kept in mind. The writing can be written in a paragraph or longer. This is a form of rough draft. Teacher will model by writing sentences or paragraphs based on the webbing or ABC list generated. Teacher writes several sentences about the trip to the lake.
The final stage is the rewriting stage. At this stage, the teacher now models rewriting stage by rereading the story written about “A trip to the Lake.” The writer will go into depth about their writing by asking themselves questions such as “Who will understand? What does my reader need to know about my trip?” It would be best to go over 5 W’s questions to be able to help with keeping the audience in mind. At this stage, students need to understand and analyze whether the topic they will be writing about needs to be researched by gathering more details. Teacher should modeled by asking questions to self and see how to provide more clarity. The idea is make sure students understand the writing process by knowing the audience, and the characters or narrators traits, being expressive and finding other words to elaborate to provide more clarity. At this stage, the writer needs to understand that in order to provide clarity, and to convey the author’s message or story, the writer must look at every words and sentences in their own writing to see if it helps. Other activities such as SNAP or word choice can be used by the teacher to make connection with the audience. SNAP is basically a teaching moment to teach a concept or a vocabulary so students can build vocabulary. Teacher will model through the processes using the passage or story written. In addition, teacher should also explain the types of writing or genre, specifically narrative. In this activity, teacher will explain or introduce what a personal narrative writing is, what an expression is, and what using your voice in your writing is?
Week 2
Teacher will use the text Navajos wear Nikes to provide examples of a personal narrative. This activity will be during Read Aloud. Read Aloud is a time when teacher gets to read fluently with expression to the students. Teacher will read excerpts from the text.
Excerpt Pg. 46- 47 Paragraph 5 Day 1 Week 2
Teacher will discuss the words using SNAP and or graphic organizer to write words learned. Each time the words are read aloud, teacher and students can discuss the meaning of each words. Teacher will also talk about the sentences and phrases. Teacher and students will analyze sentences and words. A discussion by modeling and collaboratively on how it is used in context to convey the narrator’s point of view. Teacher can also use graphic organizers such as four corners to develop the vocabulary skills and comprehension. Students and teacher will work in groups or partners to learn the meaning of words and sentences. For third grade students, it is best to review consistently. Teacher can further draw images to reinforce comprehension of each word or sentences, especially for students of English language learners.
Day 2 Week 2
Teacher and students will work in groups to develop sentences using the words learned. Teacher is still modeling but implementing the gradual release mode. Prior to writing, reviewing the meaning of the words will reinforce once again building vocabulary words. This part of the activity can be done individually if students master the meaning of each words. Based on experiences and prior knowledge, students should independently develop sentences. The sentences does not have to be written in a story yet. This activity is to reinforce the meaning of words. Before they get there, during this activity, teacher will model writing a sentence using the words. Students and teachers can create sentences. Most importantly, definition should be displayed of each word learned as a visual aid in support of retaining words learned.
Day 3 Week 2
Teacher will write a story or passage with the words learned. Teacher will need to model word choice, creating meaningful sentences to provide clarity, and follow the writing process.
Week 3
Teacher will read another excerpt on pg. 111 Paragraph 1-5 from Navajos were Nike. Students will follow week 2 steps and eventually create a short passage using the words learned. During the writing, remind students of the process and questions to keep in mind to provide clarity and expression.
Final writing
Students will follow the writing process that they followed and create a personal narrative about a prompt of their choices. Teachers may give three prompts but the goal is to have students be independent by allowing them to write what gives them the motivation. If you should give them a writing prompt, give several of them and provide students to choose. This gives the students the freedom and motivation to write. As students write, some may not finish the first day, or second day, or possible first week. I know this how some of our third grade writers begin. It is important to revisit the same writing to enhance and give the students the chance to convey their point of view of their personal experience. Students will soon learn to own their own writing and voice what they want to share. Through their writing, you as a teacher will begin to hear your student’s voice as they write their personal narrative. Once this is accomplished, your students are well on their way to becoming great writers and they will continue to find other words to substitute to express themselves with more clarity. As a part of extension, our class will invite a local author, Orlando White, to be a special guest to reinforce writing. Orlando White is a professor at a local community college who has published stories through poems. He will be a great motivation as he reads some the students writing.