Bibliography for Teacher:
Bloom's Taxonomy Definition. The Glossary of Education Reform. March 05, 2014. Accessed July 30, 2020.
The explanation of Bloom's Taxonomy, it's intent and understanding.
Felice Blake "Why Black Lives Matter in the Humanities." In Seeing Race Again, 307-26. Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2019.
How race conscious reading practices point us toward a reorientation and transformation of the humanities.
Freedom School Curriculum. 2004. MS, Microfilm Edition: SNCC, The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, King Library and Archives.
The in-depth and liberating curriculum of Freedom Schools in Mississippi.
Lamar L. Johnson. "The Skin I'm In: An Ecological Exploration of Motivation for an African American Male."
The article is an autoethnography of an African American male teacher that explains the connection of an ecological system and the story of the life of Johnathon.
Sonia Lowman. "Teach Us All." Netflix. September 25, 2017. Accessed July 13, 2020.,0,22858c3ae3682cef63baa606c558e6c0d6e1806c:3e2cc344c7ebb66336931485c04b20f949d0ebf8,22858c3ae3682cef63baa606c558e6c0d6e1806c:3e2cc344c7ebb66336931485c04b20f949d0ebf8.
This documentary displays the importance of teaching all students of color through the history of the Little Rock Nine.
Tambra O. Jackson and Gloria S. Boutte. "Liberation Literature: Positive Cultural Messages in Children's and Young Adult Literature at Freedom Schools." National Council of Teachers of English 87, no. 2 (November 2009): 110.
This source is primarily and gracefully about emancipatory literature at Freedom Schools.
Bibliography for Students:
Amy Littlesugar and Floyd Cooper. Freedom School, Yes! New York: Scholastic, 2002.
The book is about a young girl named Jolie whose mother teaches at a Freedom School. Jolie overcomes her fear when she learns the value of education.
Jo Ann Burroughs. Johnathon, Taylors, SC: Faith Printing, 2004.
Johnathon is an emancipatory novel about a young, African American boy with determination to survive, have joy and succeed at all cost. He is met with some of the most heart wrenching odds, from neglect, death in his family and abuse from his later imprisoned father and desperate mother. Despite his home life, Johnathon shows up physically, mentally, and emotionally every day to Mrs. Harris’ 2nd grade.
PBS. June 24, 2014. Accessed July 16, 2020.
This documentary series part 1 establishes the history of what led to Freedom Schools.