Teaching about Race and Racism Across the Disciplines


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Content
  3. Rationale
  4. Demographics
  5. The Unit
  6. Strategies
  7. Appendix Implementing District Standards/Suggested Instructional Sequence
  8. Bibliography of Academic and Video Resources
  9. Bibliography of Children’s Books
  10. Notes

No Lye, Nappy or Straight, People Still Gon’ Hate: Getting to the Root of the Issue; Colorblindness and Neutrality within Hairstyles and Hair Types

Debra Denise Jenkins

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix Implementing District Standards/Suggested Instructional Sequence

There will be several speaking, reading, and writing standards from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS. Because so much of this unit is based on the reception the students are to it and how quickly they divorce their own biases, colorblindness, and neutral stances on hairstyles, many of the standards will be based on their research and how well they speak to the topics of what they have been taught and how they plan to move forward progressively through life now knowing these things.

3.6 Comprehension. The student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts

3.6(B)* generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen under‐ standing and gain information

3.6(E) make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society.

Students will see a piece of artwork, listen to a song, see a musician or composer, or read a book and BEFOREHAND, DURING, or AFTERWARDS will generate questions. This of course will have to be modeled for them with consistency until they can do so independently. Their questions will at first be tailored specifically to the hairstyles and/or textures of what is being presented to them. As they engage in more lessons and are exposed to more academic vocabulary, I will want their questions to dig deeper into the content of hair. For instance, questioning the purpose or historical significance of the hairstyle or texture in question or predicting stance of the author, poet, musician, book character, or illustrator in terms of racial neutrality or colorblindness.

3.10 Author's purpose.

3.10(C)* explain the author’s use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes. Students will be making predictions of why the author, artist, musician, or illustrator used print or graphic features with the end goal being to persuade, to inform, or to entertain its targeted audience. Research (embedded skills throughout Reading and Writing)

3.13 Inquiry and research: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student engages in both short‐term and sustained recursive inquiry processes for a variety of purposes.

3.13(A) generate questions on a topic for formal and informal inquiry

3.13(B) develop and follow a research plan with adult assistance

3.13(C) identify and gather relevant information from a variety of sources

3.13(D) identify primary and secondary sources

3.13(E) demonstrate understanding of information gathered

3.13(F) recognize the difference between paraphrasing and plagiarism when using source materials

3.13(G) create a works cited page

3.13(H) use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present results.

Students will be conducting research, with my assistance, on the history or evolution of their own hairstyles and textures, my hairstyle and texture, or the hairstyles and textures of authors, illustrators, artists, musicians. Students will learn the importance of plagiarism, citing their sources, and will get to ultimately showcase two final pieces. One part of the research project will be traditional pencil and paper and one part of the research project will be their choice of multimedia or stand, speak, and deliver, or make a videography of their learning with their voice and visual aids.


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