Appendix on Implementing district Standards
Delaware Civics Standard Two, 9-12 Benchmark B: Students will understand that the functioning of the American government is a dynamic process which combines the formal balances of power incorporated in the Constitution with traditions, precedents, and interpretations which have evolved over time.
Students will work towards meeting this standard throughout the course of this unit, as they develop an understanding of the Supreme Court. They will understand that the judicial branch is one of three branches of government established in the United States Constitution, whose power is balanced by actions of the other two. They will be able to demonstrate that they understand the highest level of this standard, asks them to identify ways that the Constitution both allows for and limits change.
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.
Students will meet this standard as they create written pieces that explain decisions made by the Supreme Court, incorporating information from various activities throughout the unit. They will have the opportunity to interact with primary sources as they read Supreme Court rulings and dissenting opinions, and secondary sources that they will likely come across as they complete their own research on the judicial branch.