“American Sociological Association National Standards for High School Sociology.” American Sociological Association, September 2015. This website provides National Standards for the teaching of High School Sociology. As many states do not have a specific set of Sociology standards, it is very useful when planning Sociology lessons and units.
Anne Case and Angus Deaton Discuss the Depths of Despair. Center for the Economics of Human Development, 2020. Anne Case and Angus Deaton discuss the declining health outcomes for white Americans without a college degree.
Blackburn, Elizabeth H., and Elissa Epel. The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2018. This book contains a very detailed description of what the body needs to support long-term health and wellness and contains very understandable language regarding higher level scientific concepts.
Buettner, Dan. “Reverse Engineering Longevity.” Blue Zones, June 5, 2020. This website details the results from the well-known, earlier study that highlights nine principles of healthy living. By examining the habits of the longest-lived people, researchers have identified what practices are the most essential to our health and repeat across cultures.
Coghlan, Andy. “Healthy Living Can Turn Our Cells' Clock Back.” New Scientist, September 17, 2013. This article details a research study in which a group of men above sixty years old were able to lengthen telomeres through meditation, yoga, diet, and group therapy.
Cole, Nicki Lisa. “Social Theory and the Rich Kids of Instagram.” ThoughtCo, October 6, 2019. A short, student friendly introduction to Symbolic Interaction.
Crossman, Ashley. “Everything You Need to Know About Functionalist Theory.” ThoughtCo, January 24, 2020. A short, student friendly, and informative introduction to the Functionalist Perspective.
Crossman, Ashley. “Understanding Conflict Theory.” ThoughtCo, July 3, 2019. A short, student friendly, and informative introduction to Conflict Theory.
Crossman, Ashley. “What Is Symbolic Interactionism?” ThoughtCo, January 30, 2020. A short, student friendly, and informative introduction to Symbolic Interaction.
Dahl, Robert A., and Ian Shapiro. ON DEMOCRACY. Place of publication not identified: YALE UNIV Press, 2021. Contains chapters detailing the influence of money in politics and the Supreme Court decisions that have lead us to where we are today.
Emanuel, Ezekiel J. Which Country Has the World's Best Health Care? New York: PublicAffairs, 2020. Newly released book detailing the best healthcare systems in the world, chapters are organized by country and contain important data points, like cost, access to preventative medicine, and challenges that the country faces with their system in the coming years.
Fendt, Lindsey. “Why Costa Rica Is One of the Happiest Countries In The World.” HuffPost. HuffPost, September 6, 2018. Article detailing why Costa Ricans rank so highly on the World Happiness Report.
Graetz, Michael J., and Ian Shapiro. The Wolf at the Door: The Menace of Economic Insecurity and How to Fight It. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. In particular, Chapter 2 eloquently elaborates on the factors that influence public policy within the United States and highlights methods of thinking about complex topics in a hypothetical way.
Halliwell, John F., Richard Layard, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Lara B. Aknin, Haifang Huang, and Shun Wang, eds. Publication. World Happiness Report 2020, 2020. Report detailing happiness rankings by country and descriptions of the process and data used in compiling the report.
Harris, Nadine Burke. The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris details her experience practicing pediatric medicine in the Bayview Area of California, her realizations about childhood trauma and health, and how we can improve long-term health beginning in childhood.
Hochschild, Arlie Russell. Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right. New York: The New Press, 2016. Academic Arlie Russell Hochschild details her experiences interviewing and getting to know voters in poverty-stricken and environmentally hurt areas of Louisiana to better understand their voting patterns and perspective.
“International Diet Swap Shows Effects of Diet on Colon Cancer Risk.” UPMC, August 6, 2015. UPMC Medical researchers swapped diets between South Africans and African Americans finding the Western/American diet had a significant, negative, and rapid impact on those eating a traditional South African diet. The study also found that those who switched to a traditional South African diet reaped benefits fairly quickly as well.
Lecture 25: Tough Nuts--Education and Health Insurance, 2019. Part 25 Dr. Ian Shapiro’s Public Policy Lecture series published by Yale University.
Levine, Susan, Erin Malone, Akaki Lekiachvili, and Peter Briss. “Health Care Industry Insights: Why the Use of Preventive Services Is Still Low.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 14, 2019.
Mayer, Jane. Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires behind the Rise of the Radical Right. New York: Doubleday, 2017. An extensive dive into the sometimes unseen role of money and those who have in the politics of the far right, highlighting the connection between billionaires and those with much less.
McCarthy, Julie. “The Birthplace Of 'Gross National Happiness' Is Growing A Bit Cynical.” NPR. NPR, February 12, 2018. Description of Bhutan’s initial work to rank countries on factors other than economic productivity and power, but also describes some changes to the populations feelings over the last few years.
“National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: Chapter 2-The Themes of Social Studies.” National Council for the Social Studies. Accessed August 1, 2020. NCSS standards for high school Social Studies; the theme of Civics and Government was highlighted in this Unit.
“The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009.”, October 5, 2009.
Nova, Annie. “How the Affordable Care Act Transformed Our Health-Care System.” CNBC. CNBC, December 29, 2019. Description of the impact of the Affordable Care Act approximately 10 years following its implementation.
“Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Civics and Government.” Pennsylvania Department of Education, July 18, 2002. The PA Department of Education’s Standards for Civics and Government.
Racism's Impact on Lifespan and Health. Chataqua Institution, 2020. Recording of a lecture given by Dr. Amani Allen regarding the impact of racism on the health of African Americans.
Stieg, Cory. Why Finland and Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S. CNBC Make It. CNBC, 2020. This approximately 25 minute video contains experts who worked to complete the World Happiness Report and citizens of Finland and Denmark explaining why those two countries are continually reported to be the happiest countries in the world.
Tander, Ajay, Christopher JL Murray, Jeremy A Lauer, and David B Evans. Publication. Measuring Overall Health System Performance From 191 Countries 30. Vol. 30. GPE Discussion Paper Series. World Health Organization, n.d. Ranking and description of the ranking process of World Health systems.
Treuhaft, Sarah, and Allison Karpyn. Rep. The Grocery Gap: Who Has Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters. Policy Link & The Food Trust, 2010. Description of the food desserts that afflict rural and urban (particularly communities of color) and what the consequences of this geographic challenge.
Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick. California Newsreel - UNNATURAL CAUSES, 2014. This multi-part documentary is available for rent through the listed website. Episodes 1, 2, and 4 were used. Each episode delves into health within a group of Americans, including African Americans, Latino/a Americans, and Native Americans, as well as health impacts due to socio-economic status.
“World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems.” World Health Organization. World Health Organization, July 29, 2013. Description of the impact of poverty in the United States and around the world on the ability to access quality healthcare.