Students will be able to make connections between their lives and upward/downward mobility. It is important for them to understand why public policy is important to us and how the different policies affect them. When we have a better understanding of how policies affect us, I think that we think about them differently. I would love to introduce these concepts to my students in preparation for their futures. This would be learning at a new level for them. It will be amazing to introduce them to a concept that they have no prior knowledge on. To take it even further, they will be able to make connections. This will be a perfect opportunity to get them to think on a different level. As the saying goes, “When we know better, we do better.” They need to know the importance of social security and healthcare. It is my mission in this unit to teach them that they can change the policies that are not working. They will know that they can organize peacefully to put pressure on the decision makers. It could be for an organization or a particular group of people, such as African-Americans or minorities of color in general.