All the students must understand the pros and cons of the current ways to produce energy using chemical reactions like combustion, nuclear reactions, hydrogen, and reactions taking place using solar energy in order to make them more aware of the impact we are making in our environment.
Grades 10, 11, and 12 include their curriculum the study of energy under the Thermochemistry chapter, but unfortunately not always those topics are taught linked to the current environmental issues in their community or the problems we are currently facing globally.
The use of fossil fuel for producing energy is slowly declining, giving more space for renewable sources of energy like solar, nuclear, and hydrogen. A lot of emphasis are giving to use renewable energy like the one provide by the sun light, hydrogen or atomic energy.
One of the main significant concerns in using energy is to minimize the impact on the environment. That is why many scientists are currently working to recycle more and produce energy by using environmentally friendly sources. Following the twelve principles of green Chemistry is a useful guideline for make the production of energy more environmental friendly.