Background Information
I teach at one of the highest achieving high schools in the district and state. The school is a diverse school, where 37% are White, 28.8% are African American, 17% are Latinx, 8.7% are multi-Racial, 4.8% are Native American and 3.7% are Asian/Pacific Islander. The school’s diversity is reflected in my classroom. There are a wide range of ability levels present in my classroom, including English Language Learners and students who are on IEP’s (Individualized Education Program) and many of my students are on free or reduced lunch which is based on parents’ income. While many of my students are high achieving and are reading at or above grade level, there are also students in my classroom that are barely reading at or below grade level. This can be a challenge when teaching a foreign language.
What is unique about my school is that it is a historically African American high school, and they offer African American Studies. In my school district, African American Studies is taught at many high schools. The demographics in my school district are changing and are not reflected at my school yet. The largest demographic in my school district is Latinx. Currently, there is no course offered for Latinx students that teaches Latin American Studies. I teach Spanish for Heritage Speakers where heritage speakers can learn about history that is part of their heritage and that is normally not taught in the public school system.
Many of my heritage speakers do not know or recognize Latinx figures in American history. It is important for my students to understand important movements and figures due to the overwhelming amount of prejudice towards people of color. It is important for marginalized students to know they can make changes in their world.