The Sun and Us


  1. Unit Guide
  1. The Marginalization of Science and Social Studies in the Classroom
  2. STEM in the Classroom
  3. Introduction & Demographics
  4. Overview
  5. Unit Content, Structure and Components
  6. The Life and Characteristics of a Star
  7. Star Classification
  8. Why are Stars important?
  9. Culminating Unit Project
  10. Teaching Strategies
  11. Classroom Activities
  12. Teacher and Student Resources
  13. Extensions
  14. Conclusion
  15. Annotated Bibliography
  16. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  17. Endnotes

Stardust Students-Our Class Cosmos of the Stars

Taryn Coullier

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:


The first extension to this Unit will be a history and science cross-curricular component about the early civilizations that studied the universe and astronomy.  These civilizations include: the Mayans, Mesopotamia, India, China, Greece, Arabia.171 Along with these civilizations, some early figures of astronomy we will discuss are Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton.172 We will learn about each of these civilizations and contributors in the warm-up section of each day of the introductory segment to this unit. We will also complete as a unit extension, Astronomers Among Us: Looking at Famous African American, Latin and Indigenous leaders within Astronomy, students will be learning about famous African American astronomers, as well as astronomers from cultures around the world. 


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