1 Shawn Langlois, “Norwegian University Urges Students to Return Home from the U.S., Cites ‘poorly Developed Health Services’” in MarketWatch.
2 US Census Bureau, “Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2018”.
3 Ryan Sprott, “Curb Cuts and Texting Might Change the Way You Design Projects” in PBL Works.
4 United Nations Development Programme, “Human Development Reports”.
5 United Nations Development Programme, “Human Development Data Center”.
6 Evelyn Lamb, “Ask Gini: How to Measure Inequality” in Scientific American.
7 The World Bank, “Gini Index”.
8 Dayo Olopade, “Opinion: The End of the ‘Developing World’” in The New York Times.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Engineering World Health, “Five Challenges”.
12 Kushi Baby, “Our History”.
13 Duratech, “NFC Tags”.
14 Steven Johnson, “Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation”, 30.
15 Diffusion of Innovation Theory, “Behavioral Change Models”.
16 National Health Care for the Homeless Council, “Prevention & Response to Infectious Diseases Within the Homeless Population”.
17 East Side Union High School District, “James Lick High School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)”, 7-16.
18 Caroline Danielson, et al, “Poverty in California”.
19 Donald Berwick, “Lessons from Developing Nations on Improving Health Care” in BMJ.
20 PBL Works, “What is PBL?”.
21 CAST, “About Universal Design for Learning”.
22 PBS Learning Media, “Introduction to the Engineering Design Process: Engineering for Good”.
23 Donald Berwick, “Lessons from Developing Nations on Improving Health Care” in BMJ.
24 The Interaction Design Foundation, “What Is Design Thinking?”.
25 The Interaction Design Foundation, What Are Wicked Problems?”.
26 Scholarly Teacher, “Purposefully Incorporating Technology into the Classroom Using the SAMR Model”.
27 Community Tool Box, “Section 14. SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats”.
28 Harvard Business Review, “Strategies for Learning from Failure”.
29 Twenty One Toys, “First Attempt in Learning: Why Failure Is Key to Innovation”.
30 Stanford Magazine, “Why Mindset Matters”.
31 Harvard Business Review, “Strategies for Learning from Failure”.
32 Twenty One Toys, “First Attempt in Learning: Why Failure Is Key to Innovation”.
33 Applied Survey Research, City of San Jose Homeless Census & Survey: 2019 Executive Summary”.
34 Kevin Carmichael, “Christine Legarde on Slow Growth, Inequality and Fighting Cynicism”.
35 United Nations Development Programme, “Human Development Reports”.
36 Tim Donnelly, “9 Brilliant Inventions Made by Mistake”.
37 Science Buddies, “Build a Helping Hand: Science Project”.