Adamson, Andrew and Vicky Jensen, dir. Shrek, 2001.
Docter, Peter and Ronnie Del Carmen, dir. Inside Out. Emeryville, CA: Pixar Animation Company, 2015.
Doillon, Jacques, dir. Ponette. France: Les Films Alain Sarde, 1996.
Frank, Herz, dir. Ten Minutes Older. 1978, YouTube.
Kiarostami, Abbas, dir. Where is the Friend’s House? Iran: Ali Reza Zarrin, 1987.
Khan, Aamir and Amole Gupte, dir. Like Stars on Earth. India: Aamir Khan Productions, 2007.
Lamorisse, Albert, dir. The Red Balloon. Paris, France: Film Montsouris, 1956.
Philibert, Nicolas, dir. To Be and to Have. France: Maia Films, 2002.
Zhang, Yimou, dir. Not One Less. Guangxi Film Studio, 1999.
Books, Journals, and Websites
Bergala, Alain. The Cinema Hypothesis: Teaching Cinema in the Classroom and Beyond. Wien: Synema, 2016.
This is considered the seminal text about the possibilities and problems of bringing film into the classroom. Bergala uses his own experiences teaching film, promoting the idea that film should be taught as its own art form and not just as a supplement to teaching other subjects.
Denham, Susanne A., Hideko Bassett, Melissa Mincic, Sara Kalb, Erin Way, Todd Wyatt, and Yana Segal. “Social–Emotional Learning Profiles of Preschoolers' Early School Success: A Person-Centered Approach.” Learning and Individual Differences 22, no. 2 (2012): 178–89.
This research examined how aspects of social-emotional learning (SEL)—specifically, emotion knowledge, emotional and social behaviors, social problem-solving, and self-regulation—in groups of children who differ in their motivation to learn, participation in the classroom, and indicators of early school adjustment and academic success.
Dusenbury, Linda and Roger P. Weissberg. Social Emotional Learning in Elementary School: Preparation for Success. Education Digest, Vol 83, no. 1, 2017.
The article discusses the importance of emotional learning for elementary students in the U.S. to be socially, emotionally, and academically successful. It finds that SEL competencies will enhance their capacity to understand and manage their emotions.
Ebert, Roger. “Shrek Movie Review & Film Summary (2001): Roger Ebert.” movie review & film summary (2001) | Roger Ebert. Accessed July 25, 2022.
This article provides a history of the making of the film along with Ebert’s summary and insightful review.
Ekman, Paul. Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life. New York: Owl Books, 2007.
This book provides a clear, foundational explanation of how we read faces. Renowned psychologist Paul Ekman explains the roots of our emotions―anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and happiness―and shows how they cascade across our faces, providing clear signals to those who can identify the clues.
English Language Arts Standards. Reading: Literature " Kindergarten.” Common Core State Standards Initiative. Accessed June 25, 2022.
The standards establish guidelines for English language arts (ELA) as well as for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. Our district currently follows Common Core Standards.
Jack, Rachel E., Oliver G.B. Garrod, Hui Yu, Roberto Caldara, and Phillipe G. Schyns. “Facial Expressions of Emotion Are Not Culturally Universal, PNAS.” Accessed July 15, 2022.
This article looks at cross-cultural comparisons of the standard universal understanding of the six basic internal emotional states and how these are presented through facial expressions. The basis of this examination stems from Charles Darwin’s writings on this subject in his 1872 book, The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals.
“Fundamentals of Sel.” CASEL, March 11, 2022.
This website provides the framework and fundamentals of the Social Emotional Learning approach referenced in this unit. It clarifies the specific skills students will learn and how the program fosters knowledge, skills, and attitudes across the five areas of social and emotional competence.
Matsumoto, David and Hyi Sung Hwang. “Reading Facial Expressions of Emotion.” American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association. Accessed July 15, 2022.
This article was very helpful. It discusses a collection of data from many studies. The authors found the results from different researchers around the world in different laboratories using different methodologies with participants from many different cultures all sharing similar results. This demonstrates strong evidence for the universal facial expressions of seven emotions – anger, contempt, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise.
Lebeau, Vicky. Childhood and Cinema. London: Reaktion Books, 2008.
This book examines how children have been part of cinema since it began. Lebeau shows, through the analysis of early to contemporary cinema, how childhood is used as a reflection of many human themes – language, death, sexuality, and difference. Her explanations and questions throughout provide a solid foundation for thinking about children in films, particularly films not appropriate or suitable for children themselves to see.
Portrayals of Children in Popular Culture: Fleeting Images, edited by Vibiana Bowman Cvetkovic and Debbie C. Olson: Lexington Books, 2014.
This book is a collection that examines images of children and childhood in popular culture, including print, online, television shows, and films. The seven chapters in Part Three of the book were most helpful, as they specifically cover children in film. Chapter 11 discusses the representation of children in Pixar films.
Seitz, Matt Zoller. “Inside out Movie Review & Film Summary (2015): Roger Ebert.” movie review & film summary (2015) | Roger Ebert. Accessed July 15, 2022.
Wojcik-Andrews, Ian. Children's Films History, Ideology, Pedagogy, Theory. New York: Garland, 2000.
Although the entire text was useful, Part One on defining a “children’s film” and Part Five on pedagogy was most helpful.