Classroom Activities
Prior to sharing the three specific music videos, we will devote a class session to present a history of music videos. In order to appreciate this artistic form, I will explain the evolution that transpired, and briefly introduce the three directors we will be focusing on. I will also share films that they have directed in their career so that students are aware that this can extend further than short videos. As optional homework, I will encourage them bring me the title of a music video they would like to explore in this unit. I will either add it to the list of videos to pick from for lesson two or use still images from the music videos as a “Bell Ringer” during the beginning of each class session. (This is a short informal activity that students complete as soon as they enter a classroom. Typically, bell ringers are an indication that class has begun, and immediately engage students’ attention by priming them to think about the course material)
Lesson 1: “I can examine and recognize artistic elements in a music video.” (Duration: 2 class sessions)
Summary- In this lesson, students will be introduced to music videos as an art form. We will view the videos and follow the five levels of analysis as stated above. After discussing their initial thoughts and reactions, an analysis worksheet for each music video will be distributed. It will contain a number of still shots from each video with leading questions in order for them to focus on specific film components. First, I will give them time to work together with their tablemates (Think-Pair-Share) in answering the questions before sharing their responses as a whole (Example below):
- Observe, recognize, and discuss moods and tones represented in videos
- Make connections between prior knowledge and new information using the process of analysis
- Note relevant information using visual literacy
- Formulate artistic intention behind specific still shots in the music videos
Student Analysis Worksheet-
Lesson 2: “I can practice Mise-en-scène analysis to identify the key components in a music video, and explain a director’s intentions.” (Duration: 3 class sessions)
Summary- In this lesson, students will work in groups of 3-4. They will select a music video from an approved list that I provide. Together, they will observe and analyze their music video. Subsequently, they will create an 8-10 minute presentation of their discoveries and educate other groups about the video (Jigsaw Method). In their presentation, students will provide a brief narrative of the video, explain the mood and tones they believe is expressed through the scenes, and find a minimum of five notable still shots from the music video that they feel strongly demonstrates cinematic techniques such as in lesson 1. This will also give students the chance to use film terminology as they present their Mise-en-scène analysis. After they have shared to at least 3 small groups, I will select 2 groups to present to the entire class. Once we review the videos and discuss thoughts, I will have them write a brief reflection of what they have learned thus far in their sketchbooks.
- Understand and appreciate videos as an art form
- Develop a deeper understanding of staging components in a music video
- Develop own analysis as well as confidently share findings and opinions with peers
- Recognize a director’s aesthetic intentions
Student Assignments-
Mise-en-scène Analysis Presentation Guidelines
Group Member’s Name____________________________________
Name of Music Video and Artist(s)___________________________
Music Genre_____________________________________________
Name of Director_________________________________________
Year of Release__________________________________________
- Share first thoughts about the music video
- Provide a narrative of the video
- What are the moods and tones of the music and the video? Do they coincide? Why or why not?
- How does the director evoke their audience?
- Share 5 still shots from the music video that clearly demonstrate cinematic techniques or film elements you have learned about and explain how the director implements them to tie in with the music. This can include any of the following:
-Types of shots
-Sequences and arrangement of shots
-Cuts and transitions
-Visual/Special effects
- If you had the chance to direct this music video, what would you have done differently? Why?
- Share final thoughts and overall experience in analyzing this video
Lesson 3: “I can create a video using four film components to evoke my audience influenced by a song.” (5 class sessions)
Summary- In this lesson, students will be working independently and have the opportunity to take on the role as a director (and editor). They will create a quick 10-15 second video using a song of their choice and focus on three film elements (but not limited to) we have covered. Because we do not have the technical resources to create a sophisticated video, they will use their cell phones or borrow an iPad from the classroom and use a video application such as TikTok, Instagram, IMovie, etc. Before filming, students will be required to strategically map out their ideas in their sketchbook following the guidelines below. I will devote a class session for peer and teacher feedback so they can brainstorm and deliberate plans together so they can go into creating their short video with self-assurance and clarity. Two classes will be devoted to filming and editing help (studio-time). However, part of their assignment may be done outside of the classroom. I will also provide lighting equipment and props that they can utilize in the process. In addition, they will share their videos with the class and discuss similarities and differences among the videos created.
- Recognize that their experiences and perceptions have value
- Explore the elements of art in videos independently
- Gain experience with sequential imagery to depict mood and tone that adheres with the music
- Provide meaningful feedback to peers based on knowledge of content
- Present finished video
Student Assignments-
My Music Video’s Strategic Plan
Title of Song and Artist(s)________________________________
Music Genre___________________________________________
I chose this song because_________________________________
The mood of the song is _____________________ I know this because_______________________________________________________
I will imitate this mood visually by_________________________________________________________
My main object or subject in my video will be __________________________ This is because____________________________________
Types of film elements you will use in your video (select from the following and describe how):
-Types of shots -Sequences and arrangement of shots -Cuts and transitions
-Colors -Lighting -Visual/Special effects
Element 1: ______________________________________________________________
Element 2: ______________________________________________________________
Element 3: ______________________________________________________________
Element 4: ______________________________________________________________
Overall, what would you like your audience to feel from your video ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________