The Social Struggles of Contemporary Black Art


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Unit Content - An Overview
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Notes
  8. Bibliography

Struggle, Defiance, and Triumph: Black Photographers and Their Magic

Katherine Steiner

Published September 2022

Tools for this Unit:


The world of art is ever-changing with new art, artists, and exhibitions popping up every month. I’ve only taught art in high school for one year, and already I’m intrigued by what does and doesn’t catch student attention in the studio in terms of looking at art. The National Core Art Standards give a fairly wide berth to accommodate all styles and media in the arts, including production, reflection, and analysis of art. My students are primarily Black, and not only do we not look at enough art depicting Black subjects, but we don’t look at enough Black art that shows joy and triumph. My students often have little to no prior exposure to art, most of them have never been to a museum (and post-COVID, I intend to change that given the proximity of so many walkable galleries!) One of my primary goals with this unit and with my classes in general, is to expose my students to the art that’s happening right now, the art that’s being made in expression of, and as a reaction to the world as it is in the moment.


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