This unit is going to enlighten some and indulge others in their wonder about the next habitable planet. Searching for the next habitable planet is an old question that has triggered conversations for many years. Children often ask their parents, “Are we there yet”? They are also intrigued with movies and comics on science fiction that fills their minds with wonder and mystery. Adults ask a slightly different question, “Are we alone in the universe or are there others”? This question has really taken off in the last few days since the release of the images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. These images have caused everyone to revisit their thoughts of traveling to the far reaches of outer space in a spaceship. A new era of thought and of awe has just emerged. Students will be so enthralled with doing the investigation and research with the idea of finding a new planet which is suitable for habitation
We will be learning about the factors and resources needed to survive here on Earth. An Earth-like planet needs a star with similar characteristics to “our” star the Sun. There needs to be a water supply, the temperature must be suitable and comparable to our temperature here on Earth. We also need an atmosphere that will protect us from harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted from the sun. There needs to be a substantial supply of the following elements with Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen(N), and Phosphorus (P).
These objectives will lead and guide us on our journey to finding the Goldilocks planet that will satisfy the qualifications as stated above. Many extra-solar planets have been discovered in the last few decades which has sparked new generations of would-be explorers in trying to become the first to find what many others before them have tried to find. This unit will not only teach us about our home planet and Mars but help us to be more informed about those planets that may be waiting for discovery in the Galaxy.