Fires, Floods, and Droughts: Impacts of Climate Change in the U.S.


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Content objectives
  4. Unit content
  5. Teaching strategies
  6. Classroom activities
  7. Bibliography
  8. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  9. References

Will They Survive? Climate Change and its Impact on Biodiversity

Robert L. Boughner

Published September 2022

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Data and models show that rising temperatures from climate change will have a wide-spread impact in the United States with the effects varying by region1. Some parts of the United States will face increasing drought while others will experience increased frequency and more intense heavy precipitation events. In these regions, storms are expected to be more severe and wildfires more prevalent. These changes to the climate will also have a profound impact on the diverse ecosystems of the U.S. and threaten biodiversity. Ecosystem degradation will be prevalent with habitat loss, disruption of food-chains, and introduction of invasive species. Prior studies have predicted that 8% of all species will go extinct because of climate change2. Some species will be more vulnerable than others, with predictions of 37% extinction rates for some taxa 3. For many species, their geographical distribution will change as populations shift further North or to higher elevations. During this migration, species will encounter geographical barriers that will prevent range shifts. Some species possess higher adaptive capacity that will allow them to sustain their population in the changing climate4. This unit focuses on the effects of climate change on specific species of animals. It individually highlights animals, focusing on the adaptations that have been selected by nature in the past. It then considers how climate change will impact these animals. Students will examine potential outcomes for the species: will their adaptations hold in the new climate? How might the animals change to better fit their new climates? Will the species go extinct?


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