Teacher Resources
“Calaveras Literarias Para Secundaria: Versos y Creatividad En El Día de Los Muertos.” Reporte de Lectura, April 21, 2024. https://reportedelectura.org/calaveras-literarias/secundaria/.
This target language website provides written example of short Calaveras Literarias appropriate for school. It also includes a step-by-step guide describing how to write a Calavera Literaria. In addition, it discusses and provided examples of the different types of Calaveras Literarias.
Cavezones, Autor. “Infografía: Calavera Literaria.” Este é o noso blog de traballo para Documentación Audiovisual. Debaixo, os blogs dos nosos compañeiros:, April 23, 2019. https://cavezones.wordpress.com/2019/04/08/infografia-calavera-literaria/.
This infographic is a piece of Spanish realia that provides a definition of a Calavera Literarias as well as a step-by-step guide to writing one. It also provides examples of Calaverias Literarias written using the included guide.
Hernández, Sofía García. “¡Diviértete Con Calaveras Literarias Para Tus Amigos de Clase!: Actualizado Agosto 2024.” iEducaciones.com, May 30, 2023. https://ieducaciones.com/otros/calaveras-literarias-para-companeros-de-clase/.
This Spanish language website describes Calaveras Literarias in the context of school, provides examples, and explains how to write them for your classmates. It also includes videos containing examples of Calaveras Literarias.
Rios, Julia. “16 Poemas Después de La Muerte -- Poems by Héctor González.” OMG Julia!, June 27, 2022. https://www.juliarios.com/16-poemas-despues-de-la-muerte-poems-by-hector-gonzalez/.
This site contains an audio recording of the author reading his works. It also includes written versions of the poems in both Spanish and English accompanied by images.
Ruiz, Tania. “Calaveritas Cortas Para Primaria ⋆ Padres En La Escuela.” Padres en la escuela, January 29, 2023. https://www.padresenlaescuela.com/calaveritas-cortas-para-primaria/#google_vignette.
This site contains Calaveras Literararias, some in writing and others presented in a video format. All of the poems are in Spanish and appropriate for school.
“Satire - Examples and Definition of Satire.” Literary Devices, February 2, 2022. https://literarydevices.net/satire/.
This English language website provides a detailed definition of satire, explains the elements of this literary device, and provides both contemporary and classic examples.
Staff, Hallmark. “How to Write Literary Calaveras for Día de Muertos.” Hallmark Ideas & Inspiration, February 6, 2024. https://ideas.hallmark.com/articles/fall-ideas/how-to-write-literary-calaveras-for-dia-de-muertos/.
This website provides a step-by-step explanation in English on how to write a Calavera Literaria. It includes lists of vocabulary in Spanish that can be used, along with written examples of Calaveras Literarias in both Spanish and English.