The Uses of Poetry in the Classroom


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Rationale
  2. Who is the Unit Designed For?
  3. Background My Students Bring to the Unit
  4. Goals and Objectives
  5. Correlation to Standards
  6. ESOL Classroom Strategies
  7. Poem Studying Strategies
  8. Unit Strategies
  9. Materials List
  10. Lesson Plans
  11. Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited
  12. Supplemental Reading List
  13. Student Reading List

Leaving, Longing, and Left Behind: Poems of Home

Mary C. Moran

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Correlation to Standards

The outcomes of this unit correlate to five of the seven national English standards as outlined by the Sunshine State Standards combined with the New Standards Performance Standards from the National Council for Economics and Education. The unit partially meets the E1 READING standard that students "read four books… or from one genre." Students read at least 10 poems. Teachers can supplement this unit with additional poems to further meet this standard. The unit meets several portions of the E2 WRITING standard, with students drafting and editing four essays and three poems. The specific standards covered are: "produces a response to literature," "produces a narrative account," "produces a persuasive essay," and "produces a reflective essay." Teachers using the unit have plenty of leeway to assign specific types of essays or poems to meet these standards as needed. Standard E3 SPEAKING, LISTENING, AND VIEWING is a focus of this unit, with an emphasis on group work, peer critiquing, and presentation of poems. The specific standards referenced are "one-to-one conference," "participates in group activities," and "prepares and delivers a presentation." Students meet most of E4 CONVENTIONS, GRAMMAR, AND USAGE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE through several writing and editing exercises. Within the limits of ESOL realities, the standards of "demonstrates control of the English language," and "able to proofread and revise" are addressed if not fully realized. The fifth standard, E5 LITERATURE, is the thematic focus of the unit. The student "produces at least one literary genre," namely poetry, and meets the poetry component of "responds to all types of literature."


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