The Uses of Poetry in the Classroom


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Rationale
  2. Who is the Unit Designed For?
  3. Background My Students Bring to the Unit
  4. Goals and Objectives
  5. Correlation to Standards
  6. ESOL Classroom Strategies
  7. Poem Studying Strategies
  8. Unit Strategies
  9. Materials List
  10. Lesson Plans
  11. Annotated Bibliography/Works Cited
  12. Supplemental Reading List
  13. Student Reading List

Leaving, Longing, and Left Behind: Poems of Home

Mary C. Moran

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Materials List

The following items are essential for teaching this unit: blackboard, overhead, or whiteboard to write on; computer with Internet access; copies of the poems specified in the unit (most are available at , an easy to negotiate website).

The following items would be helpful for teaching this unit: CD player to play recordings of poems where available; computer lab so that all students can type and revise essays and access the Internet at the same time.


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