The Uses of Poetry in the Classroom


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale and Overview
  3. Objective
  4. Additional Objectives
  5. Strategies and Student Assignments
  6. Why Men Go To War
  7. Why Men Go To War
  8. Death and Dying
  9. Death and Dying
  10. Supplementary material for teacher on color and number
  11. The Effects of War on Men and Women
  12. The Effects of War on Men and Women
  13. The Effects of War on Men and Women
  14. The Effects of War on Men and Women
  15. Additional Suggestions and Insight
  16. Bibliography
  17. Reading list for students
  18. Appendix
  19. Endnotes

A Century of War in Poetry: 1915-2015

Kinta C. Flemming

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:


Allbritton, Christopher. "Writing in a Foxhole Covering the War in Iraq" Writing for Teens Feb/Mar 2005, 8+ . Great resource for a teen on war.

Anonymous. "Carl Sandburg Biography"

Anonymous. "Henry Reed Oldpoetry".

Bean, William J. "Siegfried Sassoon". 2001.

Brooks, Cleanth and Robert Penn Warren. Understanding Poetry. Boston: Heinle and Heinle, 1978. A textbook and collection of poems, analytical questions, and explanations.

Cunningham, Mary, et al. Participating in the Poem: An Introduction to Poetry. Dubuque: Brown & Co. 1983. A handbook to assist teachers in teaching poetry.

Devanter, Lynda Van and Joan A. Furey, eds. Visions of War, Dreams of Peace: Writings of Women in the Vietnam War. New York: Warner. 1991. A quality collection of poems by women about their Vietnam experience.

Ehrhart, W.D. Beautiful Wreckage: New and Selected Poems. Easthampton: Adastra, 1999. An intriguing collection of predominantly Vietnam War poems.

—. "Biographical Sketch".

Fussell, Paul. The Great War and Modern Memory. New York: Oxford. 1975.

An excellent resource for World War I poets and their poetry.

Groves, Paul. "Rupert Brooke". 2004.

Kahn, Roger. "A Visit With Robert Frost." The Saturday Evening Post. Nov. 19, 1960:26+. An interview with the eighty-six year old Robert Frost.

LaFarge, Peter. "The Ballad of Ira Hayes".

Full of information on the photo of the Marines.

Longenbach, James. "On 'The Death of a Soldier.'"

O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. Boston: Houghton Mifflin: 1990. A collection of gripping stories of a platoon of soldiers in Vietnam.

Overy,Richard. "About the Second World War"; Modern American Poetry.

Perrine, Laurence and Thomas R. Arp. Instructor's Manual to accompany Literature Structure, Sound and Sense. Fourth edition. New York: Harcourt:1983. A teacher's manual with suggestions on how to interpret poems and suggestions to assist in the classroom.

Perrine, Laurence and Thomas R. Arp. Literature Structure, Sound, and Sense. Fourth edition. New York: Harcourt: 1983. A text including anthology of works with a large collection of poem with helpful guiding questions.

Yeats, W.B. "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death". Dec. 2003.


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