Allbritton, Christopher. "Writing in a Foxhole Covering the War in Iraq" Writing for Teens Feb/Mar 2005, 8+ . Great resource for a teen on war.
Anonymous. "Carl Sandburg Biography"
Anonymous. "Henry Reed Oldpoetry".
Bean, William J. "Siegfried Sassoon". 2001.
Brooks, Cleanth and Robert Penn Warren. Understanding Poetry. Boston: Heinle and Heinle, 1978. A textbook and collection of poems, analytical questions, and explanations.
Cunningham, Mary, et al. Participating in the Poem: An Introduction to Poetry. Dubuque: Brown & Co. 1983. A handbook to assist teachers in teaching poetry.
Devanter, Lynda Van and Joan A. Furey, eds. Visions of War, Dreams of Peace: Writings of Women in the Vietnam War. New York: Warner. 1991. A quality collection of poems by women about their Vietnam experience.
Ehrhart, W.D. Beautiful Wreckage: New and Selected Poems. Easthampton: Adastra, 1999. An intriguing collection of predominantly Vietnam War poems.
—. "Biographical Sketch".
Fussell, Paul. The Great War and Modern Memory. New York: Oxford. 1975.
An excellent resource for World War I poets and their poetry.
Groves, Paul. "Rupert Brooke". 2004.
Kahn, Roger. "A Visit With Robert Frost." The Saturday Evening Post. Nov. 19, 1960:26+. An interview with the eighty-six year old Robert Frost.
LaFarge, Peter. "The Ballad of Ira Hayes".
Full of information on the photo of the Marines.
Longenbach, James. "On 'The Death of a Soldier.'"
O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. Boston: Houghton Mifflin: 1990. A collection of gripping stories of a platoon of soldiers in Vietnam.
Overy,Richard. "About the Second World War"; Modern American Poetry.
Perrine, Laurence and Thomas R. Arp. Instructor's Manual to accompany Literature Structure, Sound and Sense. Fourth edition. New York: Harcourt:1983. A teacher's manual with suggestions on how to interpret poems and suggestions to assist in the classroom.
Perrine, Laurence and Thomas R. Arp. Literature Structure, Sound, and Sense. Fourth edition. New York: Harcourt: 1983. A text including anthology of works with a large collection of poem with helpful guiding questions.
Yeats, W.B. "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death". Dec. 2003.