Art and Identity in Mexico, from Olmec Times to the Present


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom activities
  6. Supply List
  7. Bibliography

Taste the Richness of Mexico

Patricia Y. Gordon

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:


There are multiple objectives for this unit. They should reflect all of the potential areas of teaching that might become a part of this unit. The Pittsburgh Board of Education has specific bench marks that each student must achieve and standards they must meet as part of their learning.

The costume department is comprised of an intimate number of students so we can bring a finer focus on the cultural aspects as it defines the way the peoples of Mexico adorned themselves.

In the costume department we will encounter standards from several areas for each objective. Objective number one is that each student must comprehend the cultural complexities of Native Mexican Spanish peoples. Objective number two is that all students will have basic knowledge of historical Mexican People [Aztecs, Mayans etc] Objective number three requires all students to understand the relevance of Mexican festivals especially Cinco de Mayo. Objective number four: All students of costume will physically and artistically participate in the creation of the festival and cafe. Objective number five: All students learn Spanish words that pertain to the construction of costumes. Objective number six: Each student will learn about historical and current

Mexican fashions. Objective number seven: All costume students will present at the festival and in a fashion show the costumes and wearable art with Mexican influences they have constructed

The standards associated with these objectives are as follows, language Arts standards number 1. All students use effective research and information management skills, including locating primary and secondary sources of information. Language arts standards number four, All students write for a variety of purposes including to narrate, inform and persuade, in all subject areas. Language arts standards number six, All students exchange information orally including understanding and giving spoken instructions, asking and answering questions appropriately, and promoting effective group communications. Math standards number two, All students compute, measure, and estimate to solve theoretical and practical problems, using appropriate tools. Arts and Humanities standards number three, All students relate various works from the visual and performing arts and literature to the historical and cultural context within which they were created. And Arts and Humanities standards number four, All students produce, perform, or exhibit their work in their art form and describe the meanings their work has for them.

The Spanish department sees each student in Rogers two or more days per week. The objectives for the Spanish part of this unit will be these; Number one, All students in grades six, seven, and eight will learn from the Spanish teacher about the cultural history of Mexico. Objective number two, All students will learn as much of the Spanish language as they are introduced to, especially that which pertains to the creation of the festival. Objective number three, All students in the Spanish class will learn as much as they can about the festivals of Mexico. Objective number four, All students will participate physically and artistically in the creation of the festival and cafe.

The standards that will be the focus of these objectives are stated below. Language arts number nine, All students converse at a minimum level of intermediate low as defined in the oral proficiency guidelines developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in at least one language other than English including a native language if other than English. Citizenship Standard number one, All students demonstrate an understanding of major events, cultures, groups, and individuals in the historical development of other nations and describe the patterns of historical development. Arts and Humanities standard number four, All students produce perform or exhibit their work.

As I contemplated the basic objectives I would request of the other teachers who might become involved I decided on the following. Objective one; All students attempt to learn the Spanish words connected to their arts and /or academic classes. Objective number two; all arts forms produce a minimum of one performance or presentation piece

for the festival or cafe stage. Objective number three; all students in academic classes participate in learning as much as your teacher presents during your class about the Mexican culture. i.e. Read a book about or by a Mexican author, Learn to read the Mayan glyphs. Learn to play ancient games. Etc.


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