Art and Identity in Mexico, from Olmec Times to the Present


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom activities
  6. Supply List
  7. Bibliography

Taste the Richness of Mexico

Patricia Y. Gordon

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Supply List

Each department that wishes to participate in the festival/café will supply their own materials for their students

Foam Board for weaving

Plastic combs for weaving

Small table looms for weaving

Yarn for weaving

Poster board for inspiration boards

Fashion magazines, newspapers, old pattern catalogs for inspiration boards

Scissors, glue, construction paper for inspiration boards

Fabric swatches for inspiration boards

Feathers for weaving and Aztecs headwear

Brown paper, markers, paint for posters

Foil, wire, and pleather, for ancient costume construction

Rope, and pleather for sandals

Paper Mache, glue, balloons for piñatas

Water paints for piñatas

Candy and prizes for piñatas

Fabric for wearable projects

Fabric paint, crayons, markers for wearable projects

Silk screen kit

Marbleizing kit

Batik supplies

Textbooks on fabric painting and manipulation

Standard sketching supplies


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