Student References
Bovard, James, Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. New York, St.Martin's Griffin, 1994
See annotation under Teacher References.
Bovard, James, Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
See annotation under Teacher References.
Hugle, Linda, Civil Rights/Casualties of Wartime, (Last accessed on 28 July 2005).
See annotation under Teacher References. This site could be very useful to students that do not have a strong history background.
Rehnquist, William H., All the Laws but One: Civil Liberties in Wartime. New York, Vintage Books, Random House. 1998.
See annotation under Teacher References. I do recommend this book to students that have a desire to learn more about American history.
George Orwell, 1984, Evanston, Illinois, McDougal Littell, 1998
This book is probably the consummate novel on how modern governments, claiming to represent and protect their people, could turn into totalitarian regimes. It is an easy read for students at the high school level.