Astronomy and Space Sciences


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Student Demographics
  3. Rational
  4. Objectives
  5. Teaching Strategies
  6. Cross-Curriculum Connections
  7. Overview
  8. Background
  9. Lesson Plans
  10. Bibliography

Is There Life Out There?

Marty L. Cummings

Published September 2005

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Since I've been teaching 8 th grade Earth Science in the Atlanta Public School System, I have noticed that many of my students have complained about the idea of learning about the history of our Solar System. This unit is created to help encourage the need for more inner city children to consider the field of space research as a possible career choice. I have created this unit in hopes that it will enhance my students' knowledge of space science. If presented as an inquiry-based approach, the use of information can greatly affect a person's mind and way of thinking. In this unit I plan to succeed in peaking my students' interests in space science, hopefully persuading them to further enhance their knowledge of space science, with the intent that this then will lead to an interest in a scientific career later in their lives.

This interdisciplinary science unit is designed to allow students to make predictions, qualitative observations and discoveries about the Solar System through experimentation and exploration. The unit will involve hands-on activities which engage students and encourages them to think about and question the abundance of life throughout our Solar System. Furthermore, this interdisciplinary science unit incorporates mathematics and language arts for a more complete understanding and appreciation of the Solar System.


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