Bibliography and Citations
Burke, James. Tools of Thought: graphic organizers for your classroom. Portsmouth,
NH: Heinemann, 2002. A book written by Jim Burke of Burlingame High School, California, is a must have for teachers using graphic organizers for English and Humanities content.
Chacko, E. "A Geographic Understanding of South Asian Politics and Culture from the Film Earth" Education about Asia. Ann Arbor MI, pg 33- 37. 2002. This article provides insights to understanding geo-politico factors influencing culture in south Asia.
Cornelius S., Smith I.H. Short Cut — New Chinese Cinema: Challenging Representations.
London. 2002. This book provides an overview of modern Chinese cinema by placing it within social and political contexts.
Corrigan T., White P. The Film Experience an Introduction. Boston, MA: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2004. This book provides a comprehensive survey about films from around the world. I found it very useful text in providing background knowledge in a subject that I had little academic training.
DeBlase, G. "Missing Stories, Missing Lives: urban girls (re)constructing race and gender in the literacy classroom" New Orleans: AERA Paper. 2000. An AERA paper that offers a tool to understand how race, class and gender play out in classrooms.
Everett J. "Using Modern Asian Literature on Gender in Social Science Courses Reinforcing or Dismantling Stereotypes?" Education About Asia. Ann Arbor. MI: pg 40-41 2001. This article provides useful strategies on dealing with stereotypes found in Asian literature. Similar principals may be useful when considering how to deal with stereotypes found in Asian film.
Fiedman T. L. The World Is Flat, A Brief History of the 21st Century. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. This book is must read for teachers who want to prepare students for the global economy. I read excerpts out loud to my 6th graders and it sparks deep conversations about the new world students live in today.
Gardner, H. Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. New York, NY: BasicBooks, Perseus Books Group, 1993. This publication provides the framework and theory behind Gardner's Multiple Intelligences pedagogy, which has had a great impact on how teachers view teaching and learning.
Gerster C., Zlogar L.W. Teaching Ethnic Diversity with Film: Essay and Resources for Educators in History, Social Studies, Literature and Film Studies. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc. 2006. This book provides essays and resources from teachers' research on using films by and about ethnic minorities.
Media Awareness Network. Gender Stereotypes and Body Image. 3 May 2006
body_image/gndr_stereo_body_image.cfm. A media and internet resource for teachers, students and parents that provide resources and lesson plans on the media, stereotyping, violence and advertising influence on society.
Harvey, C. D.H. Maintaining Our Differences: Minority Families in Multicultural Families, Burlington, VT. Ashgate Publishing Co. 2001. This book is edited by Harvey, a sociology and family studies expert. Contributors discuss and analyze the role of family life in minority cultures.
Monaco J. How To Read a Film: The World of Movies, Media and Multimedia. New York: Oxford University Press: 2000. This book in its third edition provides a close look at the various ways to read and understand film. It looks at film from both its artistic technical perspective.
Perderson P. B. 110 Experience s for Multicultural Learning. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004. This book provides useful classroom warm-ups lessons and activities for teaching about multicultural issues.
Simkins M., Cole K., Tavlin F., Mean B. Increasing Students Learning Through Multimedia Projects. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2002. This book published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development provides a format work for using multimedia for project based-learning classrooms.
Teach With Movies — Mulan. 24 July 2006. This web site offers lesson ideas for teaching Mulan and other movies in the classroom. There is a nominal annual fee to register to fully use this site.
Zhang Y., Xiao Z. Encyclopedia of Chinese Film. London: Routledge, 1998. This reference book provides a comprehensive coverage of Chinese film from the early film days in the late 1900 century to the new era of 1996 and beyond.
Student's Bibliography
Bao B. L. Jackie Robinson and the Year of the Boar. New York: Harper Collins, 1986. This story may bridge understanding between Chinese and American Culture. It is set during the time when Jackie Robinson was breaking the color barrier in Baseball. The main character is Shirley Temple Wong is a fictional character based on the author's own life of overcoming the hardship of adjusting to life in America.
San Souci R. D. Fu Mulan Illustrated by Jean & Mou Sien-Tseng. New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 1998. This picture book is a translation of the original myth of Mulan. The story and pictures both provide an interesting contrast to the Disney version.
Marsoli Lisa A., Disney's Mulan illustrated by Clarke J. H., Ford B., et al. Buena Vista, CA: Mouse Works, 1998. This picture book renders the Disney animation film in text and illustration form. The pictures are visually attractive and will offer a mean to help student compare and contrast the original myth with the