Cited Works
Rial, Jose A. et al "Nonlinearities, Feedbacks and Critical Thresholds Within the Earth's Climate System." Climatic Change. Kluwer Academic Publishers vol.65. Netherlands. 2004. p11-38
[This article addresses the chaotic nature of the climate.]
Karl, Thomas R. and Kevin E. Trenberth "Modern Global Climate Change." Science vol.302. 2003. p1719-1723.
[The article discusses the possibility of climate change.]
Scheffer, Marten et al. "Catastrophic shifts in Ecosystems." Nature vol.413. 2001. p.591-596
[This article addresses the chaotic possibility of catastrophic changes in climates.]
Houghton, John "Global Warming" Reports on Progress in Physics. v.68. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2005. p1343-1403.
[An excellent source of background information on global warming]
Chivelet, Javier Martin. "Climate changes: abrupt or gradual? Lessons from the paleoclimatological record." Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de historia natural (Seccion Geologica) vol. 96, no.3-4.;57-68.2001.
[Discusses the claim that climate is chaotic and bistable.]
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. Penguin books, New York NY. 1987.
[Explains the history and concepts of fractals and chaos]
Stewart, Ian. Does God Play Dice? Blackwell Publishing, Great Britain. 2002.
[Explains fractals and chaos and introduces the idea of brain functioning as a chaotic system.]