Appendix-Content Standards
Pennsylvania Science Standards
S1. All students explain how scientific principles of chemical, physical, and biological phenomenon have developed and relate them to real-world situations.
S2. All students demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts and principles of physical, chemical, biological and earth sciences.
S5. All students construct and evaluate scientific and technological systems using models to explain or predict results.
S7. All students evaluate advantages, disadvantages and ethical implications associated with the impact of science and technology on current and future life.
S9. All students demonstrate basic computer literacy, including word processing, software applications, and the ability to access the global information infrastructure, using current technology.
Pennsylvania Math Standards
M1. All students use numbers, number systems, and equivalent forms (including numbers, words, objects and graphics) to represent theoretical and practical situations.
M2. All students compute, measure, and estimate to solve theoretical and practical problems, using appropriate tools, including modern technology such as calculators and computers.
M4. All students formulate and solve problems and communicate the mathematical processes used and the reasons for using them.
M5. All students understand and apply basic concepts of algebra, geometry, probability and statistics to solve theoretical and practical problems.
M6. All students evaluate, infer, and draw appropriate conclusions from charts, tables and graphs, showing the relationships between data and real-world situation.
Pennsylvania Communication Standards
C5 All students analyze and make critical judgments about all forms of communication, separating fact from opinion, recognizing propaganda, stereotypes, bias and recognizing inconsistencies and judging the validity of evidence.
C6 All students exchange information orally, including understanding and giving spoken instructions, asking and answering questions appropriately, and promoting effective group communications.
C7 All students listen to and understand complex oral messages and identify the purpose, structure, and use.
C8 All students compose and make oral presentations for each academic area of study that are designed to inform, persuade, and describe.