Adapting Literature


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Carlos Saura
  3. Carmen
  4. Bodas de Sangre
  5. El Amor en los Tiempos del Cólera
  6. Strategies
  7. Sample Lesson Plans
  8. Endnotes
  9. Bibliography
  10. Web Resources
  11. Filmography

Spanish Cultures through Film and Literature

Maria Cardalliaguet

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Sample Lesson Plans

Lesson One: Flamenco

(This lesson plan is to be developed in an 82-minute class. However, it can be changed according to teachers' needs)


To introduce my students to flamenco

Learning Objectives

As a result of this lesson students will be able to:

  1. Recognize the importance of culture as part of the identity of countries and develop understanding of other countries and cultures.
  2. Read and gather information of a text written in Spanish in order to select the main ideas.
  3. Practice their reading comprehension skills.
  4. Broaden vocabulary.
  5. Express relevant information in their own words.


Power Point presentation on flamenco, LCD projector, computer with Internet access, speakers, flamenco music, questionnaire on the presentation, graphic organizer, handout with basic flamenco vocabulary.


The teacher will be playing flamenco music (Paco de Lucía, Camarón de la Isla, Estrella Morente, Niña Pastori, Jose Mercé) during "passing time" so the students will hear the music as they enter the classroom and get ready to work.

"Toss the bull" strategy: I usually start all of my classes passing around a foam bull toy

while asking questions about grammar, or anything. It is a great strategy because you assess students daily and it helps to start the class on a good tone, since they love it! In this case, students will be asked what they know about flamenco.


  1. There will be a student writing the answers of students on the board.
  2. The teacher will give the students a graphic organizer in which they will be taking notes during the Power Point presentation.
  3. The teacher will present the Power Point to students while asking them to read the information out loud. Students and teacher will discuss every slide to make sure they understand, and to find out reactions students might have.
  4. Students will have 5 minutes to check their graphic organizers then, they will pair up and comment their responses.
  5. The teacher will ask the students to brainstorm what they have learned by reading some of the notes they have taken in their graphic organizers. The teacher will collect the students' work.


To wrap up the lesson, students and teacher will watch a short video (it is one minute long) of María José Franco (bailaora) in the Jerez Flamenco Festival 2007. (8)

Assessment / homework

Students will be given a couple of days to complete the following homework assignment: they will pretend they are journalists and that they will have to interview Sara Baras, one of the best bailaoras (female flamenco dancers). Students will write at least 15 questions with their answers (the assignment could be in English if they do not feel confident enough to write in Spanish). They will be using the list of flamenco links the teacher provided them during the lesson.

Lesson Two: Literature

(This lesson plan is to be developed in an 82-minute class.)


To present the figure of Federico García Lorca to the students.

Learning Objectives

    As a result of this lesson students will be able to:

  1. Practice their listening comprehension.
  2. Build on their oral reading skills.
  3. Read and gather information of a text written in Spanish.
  4. Broaden vocabulary.
  5. Understand adaptation as a standard practice in the arts.
  6. Learn to value poetry.
  7. Compare a primary source (a poem, in this case) and its adaptation (a song).

Special Needs

Students and teacher have had read the poem "Romance Sonámbulo" and have discussed the main themes and symbols in a previous class.


Handout on Federico García Lorca, Lorca's poem "Romance Sonámbulo" (9) and its musical version "Verde que te quiero verde" by flamenco singer Manzanita and the flamenco band Ketama (10), computer with Internet access, speakers.


Teacher will "pass the bull" asking students different questions about the poem and some of the vocabulary on it.


  1. A student will read the poem out loud once again.
  2. The teacher will hand out a copy with basic information on Federico García Lorca. The teacher will call on some students to read fragments out loud.
  3. The teacher will give students 15 minutes to answer the questions about Lorca on the handout, and then they will correct the answer orally.
  4. Students and teacher will then listen to the song "Verde que te quiero verde" which is a flamenco version of the poem. A second listening will be necessary for students who will now have a copy of the song in front of them.

Students will write 5 lines comparing the original poem with its flamenco version. The teacher will collect this exercise, as well as the questions on Lorca.

Lesson Three: Film Analysis

(This lesson plan is to be developed in an 82-minute class as well.)


To get students' interest on viewing films analytically, in order to develop their critical thinking skills.

Learning Objectives

As a result of this lesson the students will be able to:

  1. Become familiar with the vocabulary of film studies and the techniques of cinema.
  2. Develop their listening skills.
  3. Recognize some Spanish cultural aspects we have been working with.
  4. Connect and compare Lorca's drama Bodas de Sangre and its film adaptation.


Carlos Saura's Bodas de Sangre, LCD projector, computer, speakers, printed chapter summaries of Corrigan and White's The Film Experience that students already have (11), DVD Capture—computer program to take still images from movies.


"Pass the bull" activity asking students to explain or describe film terms (shot, scene, frame, etc.)


  1. The teacher will divide the class in 4 groups, each group will be assigned one of the following film analysis divisions: mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing and sound.
  2. Students will be asked to get into their groups to discuss how they are going to work in order to cover their tasks while viewing the movie. They should have the copy of the chapter summaries and glossaries in front of them.
  3. Before viewing the movie, the teacher will explain the students that they might want to take still images of the film that might illustrate their analysis. Each group will be able to take 10 still images. Students will respectfully just tell the teacher to take an image by saying "foto" out loud.
  4. Students and teacher will watch the second part of Saura's Bodas de Sangre,— this is, avoiding the documentary with the interview to Antonio Gades, or the dancers practice. This second part is about a half long. For this lesson, I only want to focus on the story. The first part of the movie will be explored in a follow up lesson.
  5. After the screening, students will get into their groups to put together their ideas and notes.


To wrap up the lesson, 7 minutes before the bell rings, students and teacher will discuss students' reactions to the film.

(A follow up lesson will be necessary.)


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