(1) ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners
(2) Guide to Palos. Special Feature
(3) Authentic materials would be material "created by native speakers for native
speakers." 2005 Connecticut World Language Curriculum Framework. October 2005.
(4) Dudley Andrew, lecture in Yale National Initiative Seminar "Adapting Literature",
New Haven, July 8, 2007.
(5) Concha Calleja, Carmen: Deseo y muerte. Ediciones del Laberinto. (Madrid:2003)
"They are three different Carmenes, depending on who the narrator is-, but they all
comprise the same woman: free but not a libertine; a fighter, but not wild; a wife, but
not a slave; passionate, but not lascivious. . .Three nobel spirits for the three
Carmenes, because the three of them are the same woman."
(6) Court Theater: Carmen Playnotes
(7) Timothy Corrigan, and Patricia White, The Film Experience: An Introduction.
Bedford/St. Martin's.
(8) María José Franco. Festival de Jerez 2007.
(9) Teachers will find the original poem, written in 1924, and two different translations
into English in: http://www.brindin.com/pslorro3.htm
(10) Teachers will find this site very helpful since they have the original poem and the
version one by Manzanita and Ketama. Teachers will also be able to listen to the
song. http://courseweb.stthomas.edu/raraschio/verde.html
(11) Web site for the Film Experience. http://bedfordstmartins.com/filmexperience