Across the Curriculum with Detective Fiction for Young People and Adults


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Overview
  3. The Carrots
  4. Conventions of the Genre
  5. Mystery Morphology
  6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  7. Holmes' Stories - Deduction, Induction, and Truth
  8. Appendix A -Vocabulary Word Wall
  9. Appendix B- Content and Performance Goals and Standards
  10. Detective Reference Page
  11. Websites
  12. Student Resources

D. I. E.

Mary Lou L. Narowski

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix B- Content and Performance Goals and Standards

One of the most important goals of the Language Arts program is for students to learn to read and write so as to decipher meaning of the written, visual, and oral texts used in the classroom and in life. They should be able to read and respond to questioning, communicate ideas clearly, and apply strategies that enhance the fluency and proficiency of their language so as to become life long learners. These are the stated goals of the Connecticut Language Arts Program. These goals provide the framework for such learning. The unit I present contains exercises in the following areas:

Content Standard One — Reading and Responding

  1. generate questions before, during, and after reading, writing , listening and viewing.
  2. reflect on the text to make judgments about its meaning and quality
  3. select and apply efficient and effective word recognition strategies, including contextual clues, phonics, and structural analysis.
  4. make inferences about ideas implicit in narrative
  5. interact with others in creating, interpreting, and evaluating written texts.

Content Standard Two — Producing Texts

  1. engage in writing, speaking, and developing written texts through frequent reflection, reevaluation, and revision.
  2. gather, select, organize, and analyze information from written texts.

Content Standard Three - Applying English Conventions

  1. proofread and edit for grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization.
  2. develop fluency and competency in the English language arts by using and building upon the strengths of the learner's language and culture.

Content Standard Four — Exploring and Responding to Texts.

  1. examine the ways readers and writers are influenced by individual, social, cultural, and historical context.
  2. recognize literary conventions and devices and understand how they convey meaning
  3. demonstrating an understanding that literature represents, recreates, shapes and explores human experience through language, interpretation, and imagination.


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