Latino Cultures and Communities


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. The Virgin of Guadalupe
  3. Malinche
  4. Putting Your own Icon into Context
  5. Assessment
  6. Student Resources
  7. Teacher Resources

Context Clues: The Appropriation of Malinche and the Virgin of Guadalupe

Sara E. Thomas

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:


I assess my students in a variety of different ways and think that using rubrics is extremely important, especially since art is such an objective subject to grade. In order to assess students and hold them accountable for attending class each student is given a daily participation grade. This grade will be extremely important on the days in which the students are doing group work. Students will also receive a group grade for their presentations.

Throughout the process students will be asked to complete peer critiques. While I think that it is important for me to track the students progress, I also think it is important for them to see each other's progress. I find that the students are each other's best critics. If part of a drawing does not look correct they will be quick to offer a suggestion. I try to train them to be specific and to also offer suggestions if they are going to comment on a peer's artwork. Towards the end of each project I also have students fill out a peer critique form. This allows a new set of eyes, besides mine, to look at their artwork and respond.

Their final piece of artwork will be graded using a rubric. The criteria on the rubric will be given to students at the beginning of the assignment. The rubric will include the following criteria: choosing an icon, creating a new context for the icon, choosing a style or technique that compliments the new image, the icon is changed enough that the image is successfully appropriated but enough remains to recognize the original icon, there is a written explanation of the image and the craftsmanship is of good quality. Students will be given a self-evaluation containing this rubric to fill out before they hand in their artwork. The teacher will then fill out the same rubric to determine the grade.


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