Latino Cultures and Communities


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. The Virgin of Guadalupe
  3. Malinche
  4. Putting Your own Icon into Context
  5. Assessment
  6. Student Resources
  7. Teacher Resources

Context Clues: The Appropriation of Malinche and the Virgin of Guadalupe

Sara E. Thomas

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Teacher Resources

Aldama, Arturo J. "Yolanda M. López." Contemporary Chicana and Chicano Art: Artists, Works, Culture and Education. Volume 2. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual P, 2002. 90-91. see above

Alvarado, Joaquín. "Alma López." Contemporary Chicana and Chicano Art: Artists, Works, Culture and Education. Volume 2. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual P, 2002. 76-77.

Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands La Frontera: the New Mestiza. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books, 1999. 44-61. An amazing book about Chicana feminism including very bold viewpoints about both the Virgin of Guadalupe and Malinche. Great for teacher information.

Arrizón, Alicia. "Mythical Performativity: Relocating Aztlan N Chicana Feminist Cultural Productions." Theatre Journal 52 (2000): 23-49. A great article with wonderful images about how women have represented their Chicana roots in both visual art and theater.

Keller, Gary D., Mary Erikson, and Pat Villeeneuve. Chicano Art for Our Millenium. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual P, 2004. A book containing reproductions of a variety of Chicano art. This book has an educators guide at the end of it which is a tremendous resource giving wonderful questions for the teacher to facilitate discussions about artwork in a variety of different contexts.

Lippard, Lucy R. "Jimmie Durham: Postmodern "Savage." - Native American Artist." Art in America Feb (1993). A wonderful article about the symbolism in Jimmie Durham's work, and his process as an artist.

Mesa-Bains, Amalia. "El Mundo Femenino: Chicana Artists of the Movement: a Commentary on Development and Prodcution." Chicano Art: Resistance and Affirmation, 1965-1985. Los Angeles, CA: Wight Art Gallery, 1991. 131-154. An interesting article with information about Ester Hernández and Yolanda López.

Perry, Leslie. "The "Dual"-Ing Images of La Malinche and La Virgen De Guadalupe in Ciserno's the House on Mango Street - Critical Essay." MELUS Summ (2002): 1-8. This is an interesting article about the dichotomy between these two images, and how they effect Chicana women today.

Peterson, Jeanette F. "Creating the Virgin of Guadalupe: the Cloth, the Artist, and Sources in Sixteenth-Century New Spain." The Americas 61 (2005): 571-610. An in depth look at the story of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and whether or not the cloak painting could actually be real.

Peterson, Jeanette F. "The Virgin of Guadalupe: Symbol of Conquest or Liberation?" Art Journal (1992): 39-47. A very helpful article about the symbolism of the icon of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

Rochfort, Desmond. Mexian Muralists: Orozco, Rivera and Squeiros. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 1993. 44-45. Information about Diego Rivera's "Malinche and Cortez" mural.

Warren, Nancy. "Some Like A Virgin, Some Don't: Alma Lopez generates controversy in New Mexico." San Francisco Gate. April 27, 2001.


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