Appendix II
Implementing District Standards
Richmond Public Schools provides a Curriculum Compass for all grade levels and for all subjects. For the purposes of my unit, I used the compasses for Grade 5 Language Arts, Grade 5 World Studies, and Grade 5 Music. Each compass outlines the Virginia Standards of Learning objectives and contains essential knowledge and skills pertinent to each standard. The following Virginia Standards of Learning objectives are specific to this curriculum unit and are the objectives from which the "Richmond Public Schools Instructional Resources" Curriculum Compasses are based. Teachers from any state, however, can adapt these same concepts within the parameters of their particular district standards.
Language Arts
5.6 - The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction.
5.7 - The student will demonstrate comprehension of information from a variety of print resources.
5.8 - The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, and to explain.
5.9 - The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
World Studies/Elementary
.12A - The student will demonstrate an understanding of the political, cultural, and economic conditions in the world about 1500 A. D. Within this standard, students are expected to use maps, globes, artifacts, and pictures and to identify and compare current boundaries with locations of ancient civilizations, empires, and kingdoms, including the Aztec Empire.
5.4 - The student will respond to music with movement by performing dances and games from various cultures including traditional folk dances.
5.8 - The student will use music terminology to describe music performances and compositions.
5.11 - The student will place music examples into broad categories of style.