Resources for Teachers
Annotated Bibliography
Armentrout, David, and Patricia Armentrout. Timelines of Ancient Civilizations. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke LLC, 2004. An illustrated timeline of Aztec civilization.
Baquedano, Elizabeth. Aztec, Inca & Maya. New York: Dorling Kindersley, Inc., 1993. A pictorial view of the ancient Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas, with detailed captions.
Bayless, Rick. Authentic Mexican: Regional Cooking From the Heart of Mexico. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2007. A cookbook with appetizing photographs and historical information about Mexican cuisine.
Brownson, JeanMarie and Deann Groen Bayless. Rick Bayless's "Mexico One Plate At a Time". New York: Scribner, 2000. A cookbook of Mexican dishes based on the research of food historian Rick Bayless.
Campbell, Patricia Shehan. Songs in Their Heads: Music and Its Meaning in Children's Lives. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. A resource for school music teachers.
Campbell, Patricia S., Sue Williamson, and Pierre Perron. Traditional Songs of Singing Cultures: a World Sampler. Miami, FL: Warner Bros. Publications, 1996. A collection of traditional songs with maps and suggested teaching activities.
Coe, Sophia D., and Michael D. Coe. The True History of Chocolate. New York: Thames and Hudson, Inc., 1996. A book about the complete history of chocolate.
Coe, Sophie D. America's First Cuisines. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994. An excellent resource for studying food practices of ancient Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas.
Delacre, Lulu, comp. Arroz Con Leche: Popular Songs and Rhymes From Latin America. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1989. A compilation of twelve Latin-American songs, games, and rhymes in Spanish and English.
Ebinger, Virginia Nylander. Niñez: Spanish Songs, Games and Stories of Childhood. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 1993. Songs, games, and stories of Spanish origin.
Fowler, William R. "Aztec Empire." Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 [CD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005. An all-encompassing article about the Aztecs.
Gonzáles, Juan. Harvest of Empire: a History of Latinos in America. New York: Viking Penguin, 2000. A complete history of Latinos in North and Central America.
Hall, Nancy A., and Jill Syverson-Stork, comps. Los Pollitos Dicen. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1994. A bilingual collection of traditional games, rhymes, and songs from Spanish-speaking countries, adapted to fit the traditional music.
Kenneth, Pomeranz, and Topik Steven. The World That Trade Created. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1999. A book about society, culture, and the world economy from 1400 to the present.
Kimmel, Eric A. Montezuma and the Fall of the Aztecs. New York: Holiday House, 2000. A summary of the life of the last Aztec emperor before the Spanish conquest.
Long-Solís, Janet, and Luis Alberto Vargas. Food Culture in Mexico. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2005. A book about Mexican food habits, nutrition, social life and customs.
Mason, Antony. Aztec Times. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1997. A book about Aztec life with a time line, game board and colorful maps.
Nettl, Bruno. "Folk Music." Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 [CD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005. An all-encompassing article about folk music.
Odijk, Pamela. The Aztecs: the Ancient World. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Silver Burdett Press, 1989. A children's book that surveys Aztec culture, government, religion, and the collapse of the empire.
Orozco, José-Luis, comp. Diez Deditos &Other Play Rhymes and Action Songs From Latin America. New York: Dutton Children's Books, 1997. A bilingual collection of finger rhymes and action songs with large, colorful illustrations.
Orozco, José-Luis, comp. Fiestas: a Year of Latin American Songs of Celebrations. New York: Dutton Children's Books, 2002. An illustrated collection of annual fiesta-related songs and rhymes from Spanish-speaking countries.
Ortiz De Montellano, Bernard R. Aztec Medicine, Health, and Nutrition. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990. An historical account of medical practices and nutritional aspects of the ancient Aztecs.
Rees, Rosemary. The Aztecs: Understanding People in the Past. Chicago, IL: Heinemann Library, an imprint of Reed Educational & Professional Publishing, 1999. A colorful resource with a timeline and details about Aztec history and daily life.
"Richmond Public Schools Instructional Resources." Curriculum Compasses,
Instructional Models, and Teaching by Design for Grades K-5 Social Sciences,
Language Arts, Science, and Mathematics. CD-ROM. Richmond, VA: Department of Instruction, 2006-2007. Instructional resources for teachers.
"Richmond Public Schools Instructional Resources." Curriculum Compass for Elementary (Grades K-5) Music. CD-ROM. Richmond, VA: Department of Instruction, 2006. Instructional resources for elementary music teachers.
Shehan, Patricia. Teaching Music Globally: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. A book that explores world music.
Tanaka, Shelley. Lost Temple of the Aztecs. New York: Hyperion/Madison Press, 1998. Juvenile literature about the social life, customs, and history of the Aztecs.
Wade, Bonnie C. Thinking Musically: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. A global view of music, instruments, time, pitch, structure, music issues and fieldwork.
Pew Hispanic Center. 2007. Washington, DC. 06 July 2007.
A statistical site for the Hispanic population in the United States.
Projects: Texas State Library and Archives Commission: a Celebration of Childhood and
Bilingual Literacy. 2007. Austin, TX. 23 June 2007.
Traditional songs, rhymes, finger plays, and games in Spanish and English.
Richmond Public Schools. 2007. Richmond, VA. 09 July 2007.
Official website for Richmond Public Schools.
The Meaning of Food: Food & Culture. 2005. 25 July 2007. of food/ food_and_culture/.
An exploration of culture through food.
YMCA-YWCA Playing to Learn Curriculum. 2005. Guelph YMCA-YWCA. 08 July 2007. Child_Care/playingtolearn.asp.
An innovative curriculum based on child's play.
Resources for Students
Reading List
Alter, Judy. Mexican Americans. Chanhassen, MN: The Child's World, 2003. A child-friendly book about the history and heritage of Mexican-Americans.
MacLeod, Elizabeth. Chock Full of Chocolate. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press Ltd., 2005. A fun, colorful children's book with chocolate stories and recipes.
Col, Jeananda. Enchanted Learning. 1996. Mercer Island, WA. 07 July 2007. school/Mexico. A site where children can learn facts about Mexican explorers, native animals, and the Aztecs.