Latino Cultures and Communities


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Unit Overview
  4. Why They Came and Where They Settled
  5. The Literature
  6. Unit Wrap-up
  7. Lesson Plan 1: Understanding Maps and Globes
  8. Lesson Plan 2: Secret Footprints
  9. Lesson Plan 3: Martina Cockroach
  10. Lesson Plan 4: Juan Bobo and Amelia Bedelia
  11. Bibliography

Cuéntame Una Historia, Por Favor! (Tell Me A Story, Please!)

Kathy Howell Zimbaldi

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Plan 2: Secret Footprints

Objective: Students will use oral language skills to participate in a group discussion regarding themes of prejudice, trust and fear in the story, Secret Footprints, by Julia Alvarez.


Part 1

The first part of this lesson will begin with the teacher introducing a new vocabulary word: xenophobia. Students will be told that this word comes from Greek roots:

Xenos= foreigner

Phobos= fear

This word means fear of strangers. There are other types of phobias, such as arachnophobia=fear of spiders; claustrophobia= fear of enclosed spaces; hydrophobia= fear of the water, etc

Part 2

The teacher will read aloud the story Secret Footprints. Students will be separated into cooperative groups of 3. Each member of the group is a recorder, reporter, or leader. In literature circles students will be asked to consider the following questions:

  1. Is fear of strangers ever a good thing? Why or why not?
  2. Is fear of strangers ever a bad thing? Why or why not?
  3. Why were the ciguapas afraid of the humans?
  4. Why wasn't the human afraid if the ciguapa?
  5. Have you ever felt like a stranger? When? If not, how do you think it feels to be the stranger?
  6. Is being a stranger ever a good thing? Ever a bad thing?
  7. Define trust; fear. Who do you trust? Who do you fear?
Teacher led discussion will follow each group presentation.


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