Renewable Energy


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Crude Oil
  3. Gasoline in Automobiles
  4. Pollutants from Car Exhaust
  5. Pollution Effects from Transportation
  6. Carbon Cycle
  7. Forest Management and Carbon Sequestration
  8. Presenting the Transportation Options
  9. Lessons
  10. Distillation of Simulated Crude Oil
  11. Determining the Amount of Emissions Emitted by Local Commuter Vehicles
  12. Determining the Amount of Carbon Sequestered by a Woodland
  13. Student Resource Binder Articles
  14. Bibliography / Teacher Content and Teaching Resources

Petroleum: Our Best Transportation Option?

Justin T. Benz

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Determining the Amount of Emissions Emitted by Local Commuter Vehicles

Using the data on the daily commute for people in New Castle County, DE, calculate the amount of emissions produced each workday.

To simplify your calculations, assume everyone's commute is 20 miles round trip.

Each vehicle type has an average fuel economy associated with it in the table below.

Determine the amount of gas needed to make the commute.

Determine the amount of CO 2 produced by each vehicle. It is understood that, for every gallon of gas burned in a motor vehicle, 20 lbs of CO 2 are produced.

(table available in print form)

The percentages of vehicles used in both driving alone and carpooling during the commute are 42% cars, 31% light trucks / vans, and 27% SUVs.

Determine the number of each vehicle type that is on the road in New Castle County, DE during the commute and the amount of CO 2 that is produced by each vehicle type. You will need to look up the total number of vehicles driven during the commute each day.

(table available in print form)

Due to incomplete combustion of motor vehicles, there are a number of pollutants produced during the commute.

To simplify your calculations, you will use the average amount of pollutants.

Determine the amount of pollutants produced by all the vehicles used in the commute.

It is understood that, for every mile the vehicles are driven, they produce 1.298 g of VOCs, 1.518 g of NOx, and 8.659 g CO.

(table available in print form)


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